ET/UFO's -- New Age Assault on Christian Faith
The UFO mythology is a another occult attack on God and Scripture, said Pastor Alan Morrison
in his important 1994 book, The Serpent and the Cross.
"The space research community, along with covert organizations such as the Central Intelligence Agency, are riddled with people who have a New Age/occult worldview and for whom the 'discovery' of extra-terrestrial life would be the fulfillment of a dream."
Related- Exorcist Claims ET's are Demonic in Character
by Alan Morrison
(Excerpt by
The very heart of the matter today is the radical conflict between atheistic or pantheistic scientists and Biblical Christianity.
One only has to examine the leading edges in genetics, obstetrics, astronomy and the 'new physics' to see that there is an all out war on the teachings of Scripture which will soon come to a head. There can be no doubt whatsoever that the true Church -- that is, genuine believers, clinging to the Cross, worshiping God, extolling Christ, preaching the Word, and eschewing the corruptions of the world -- will be utterly marginalized by all this UFO bunkum and the other discoveries which will shortly come to light; and our churches will be ridiculed as dangerous sects which refuse to cooperate with these 'beneficial' discoveries of our times.
It should also come as no surprise that the world's media was so obliging in this circus, with headlines such as 'Life on Mars -- Official' (Daily Mirror, 7/8/96), or 'In the Beginning, did God Create Aliens?" (Times, 8/8/96), or 'If the Aliens do Decide to Call, We're Listening' (Times, 12/8/96).
The bulk of the media across the world today is controlled by a few huge conglomerates which are essentially lackeys of the New World Order. So NASA's little finger twitches about micro-organisms and we have banner headlines four inches tall: LIFE ON MARS! -- and an article in the Times (12/8/96) states ,"Once dogged by the crackpot image, the search for alien life has become credible".
It is extraordinary how the world will reject the Christian Gospel as a childish myth, but yet it is so ready to accept a scientistic fable about fossils from Mars!
Surely, the primary reason so many people avidly lap up this garbage is because they know inwardly that, if true, it would utterly undermine the veracity of the Bible and the theological foundations of Judeo-Christianity.
The National Aeronautical and Space Administration is hoping to achieve what Darwinism has been unable to do during a whole century of frantic propaganda.
Back in 1974, NASA engineer Joseph Blumrich wove similar conjectural fantasies in his book, 'The Spaceships of Ezekiel' (Bantam). The space research community, along with covert organizations such as the Central Intelligence Agency, are riddled with people who have a New Age/occult worldview and for whom the 'discovery' of extra-terrestrial life would be the fulfillment of a dream.
Some readers may think all this is just the crazy ramblings of an overactive imagination. But these attempts of the demonic realm to cause havoc through deception and infiltration are confirmed in the Scriptures (Gen.6:2; Rev.12:17; Eph.6:12; 1 Pet.5:8).
Nearly twenty years ago, some discerning Christian authors had also realized the demonic nature of UFO's and ET's. In his commendatory preface to an excellent book on the subject, Dr. R.J. Rushdoony stated:
"Now more than ever before in history, we are in the midst of religious warfare. Although it comes in various disguises in order to conceal the fact of war, a wide variety of cults and all forms of humanism are at war with Biblical faith. We cannot begin to understand the world of our time apart from the fact of religious warfare... The authors conclude that the UFO phenomena are real; they are demonic and they are totally anti-Christian... The UFO mythology is a radical denial of God and of Scripture. We are given an alien view of man and the universe, and we find also that those who give themselves to this view and to the occult manifestations are marked by a disintegration of mind and even of body. Clearly UFO's are not a harmless concern nor merely an amusing case of superstition".
Frankly, there is no place for 'highly evolved ET's' in this universe. The concept of 'advanced aliens' arriving on this planet to lead us into the next phase of human civilization is incompatible with Bible teaching on the future course of history. Such beings could not be the unfallen angels, for they would never promote false doctrine. The idea of 'advanced aliens' rescuing the human race is also radically at odds with Bible teaching on creation and redemption. The Fall of our first parents not only brought corruption to the life of planet Earth but also to the entire universe (Rom.8:19-22).
The atonement and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ are the central events in the history of the cosmos, the transformation of which is not dependent on an invasion of 'god-like' aliens but on the eschatological glorification of believers (Rom.8:21). Our hope for a perfect civilization does not lie in this world but in the world to come (2 Pet.3:13). The new universe will not be ushered in by a weird breed of beings from outer space which are never mentioned in the Bible, but by the creative power of the Triune God of Scripture (Isa.65:17).
Finally, let us remember that although God's people have nothing to fear from all this, it is important to be informed. Discerning Christians will keep a watchful eye on future events, as the build-up to the 'Big Announcement' develops. If the claims that we have made in this paper are for real, then the world has surely entered Satan's 'little season' and the closing phase of this evil age will soon be upon us.
Ultimately, these desperate tactics of the demonic realm are tremendously affirming to our faith because they provide confirmation of so much Bible prophecy!
Rest assured that all authority in heaven and on earth belongs solely to the Lord Jesus Christ, whose return to the earth to bring judgement, gather His people, and transform this fallen world is the event towards which everything has been inexorably moving since the beginning of history. -
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