Bible Skeptics and God Haters

"Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do." -1st Timothy 1:4
By Rick Dack | A.D. Communications
Bill Maher
"The Bible is a Fairy Tale"
Bill Maher, host of Politically Incorrect on ABC. August 22, 2001.
"The people who wrote the was not meant to be history, it was not meant to be literal."
Bill Maher, host of Politically Incorrect on ABC. - CRI: 1-28-2002 
William Dever
"The Biblical tradition is a composite of..."legends that still may be regarded as containing moral truths but until now they must be regarded as uncertain historical provenance."
William Dever, University of Arizona, frequent Bible Archaeology Review magazine contributor (Digging for Answers). 
Rabbi Sherwin Wine, founder of Humanistic Judaism, said that the Exodus was...
 "Created by priests in Jerusalem"
who used...
"A series of old legends and distorted memories which had no relationship to history." 
Old Testament scholars N.P. Lemche and G.W. Ahlstrom said that the Exodus was...
 and that the author was...
"Concerned with mythology rather than with reporting historical facts." 
Ted Turner
CNN's power mogul, Ted Turner, in the early 1990's was such a critic of the Bible that at the 1990 Humanist Awards Association Turner called the Bible...
because it recounted a man who suffered and died on the cross so that our sins may be washed away and that he was proud of the fact that the more he "lost" his faith, the better he felt (Reel - Real). Turner then said in the Washington Post that...
 "Christians were poor, uneducated and easy to command."
To many people it seems remarkable that David and Solomon still remain unknown outside the Old Testament or literary sources derived directly from it. No extra-Biblical inscription, either from Palestine or from a neighboring country, has yet been found to contain a reference to them."
Kathleen Kenyon, former Jericho and Jerusalem Excavator (Price 1997, 162)
Neils Peter Lemche
"Similarly, the David of the Bible, David the King, is not a historical figure."
Neils Peter Lemche (Biblical Archaeology Review, July/August 1997, 40)
"…of exuberant imagination."
J.A. Montgomery, in The International Critical Commentary, labeled the passages 1 Kings 6:20-22, 30 and 2 Chronicles 3:4-7 as products of myth concerning the inside of Solomon's Temple as being pure gold. (Bible and Spade, Autumn 1994, 97).
"Tom, I don't care in the least whether Solomon ever existed. I'm probably more of a disbeliever than you. I don't really care about the traditions. I don't believe any of the myths."
William Dever addressing Thomas Thompson. (Biblical Archaeology Review, July/August 1997, 33).
"I want to be sure you understand me about David and Solomon. For me, as an archaeologist, it's simple. I don't have to argue whether this Solomon existed. I do have to argue that somebody built these gates (at Gezer, Megiddo and Hazor) in a government that was highly centralized, and for me that means statehood. In other words its Solomon by another name. I don't care. I'm talking about centralization and the rise of the state. And I use the term Solomon as a kind of convenient short hand. And so therefore I would say a Solomon of sort existed but not necessarily the Solomon of fable."
William Dever, (Biblical Archaeology Review, July/August 1997, 40).
What is the Bible According to Hollywood?
The Bible According to Hollywood is a new addition to the ministry. In recent years, the respect for people of faith has turned from high opinion to disdain. A film on the life of Jesus in the 1950's carried some degree of acknowledged respect but today a new type of history is presented. These new historians (Hollywood and Documentary writers) have decided that only one view is the correct view (the liberal perspective) and the elimination of the conservative point of view is an absolute necessity.
A&E, The Learning Channel, The Discovery Channel, The National Geographic Channel, The History Channel, et cetera have broadcast documentaries on the lives of not only Jesus but Job, Mary, David, Noah, Samson, Joseph and many others on a monthly basis. These documentaries typically interview academic liberals and rarely give the academic conservatives a voice. People such as David Vanderhooft, C. Lyon Batton, Alan Dundes, Paula Frederickson and the infamous John Dominic Crossan (Jesus Seminar) are the typical interviewees. Unfortunately, many viewers take their words as the viewpoint of all biblical scholars and that is tragic.
What the typical viewer does not know is that there are organizations such as NEAS (The Near East Archaeological Society), ABR (The Associates for Biblical Research) and IBA (The Institute for Biblical Archaeology) that are run by credentialed, conservative archaeologists but these organizations are rarely contacted by the press or producers of these programs.  Why is this the case?  The cable stations have an agenda and that is to discredit the Bible's historical reliability and present that belief unopposed.
We must expose these programs for what they are, a biased and one-sided scholarly interpretation of the Bible by those who hate God.

Television's Criticism and Mockery of the Bible
Celebrity opinion, religious bias, satirical abuse, and academic liberalism powered by the television networks has created an atmosphere of criticism and mockery of the Bible. This false information is pumped into homes via television. Not once a year, not once a month, not once a week; but, EVERY DAY!

The conservative academic perspectives on issues related to the Bible’s historical and archaeological reliability are rarely heard on television.  Television stations such as A&E, NBC, CBS, ABC, The Cartoon Network, FOX, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel and The History Channel have broadcast documentaries on the Bible.  The Bible is presented as either myth, an exaggerated/plagiarized text or it is mocked as comedy.
Below are the bizarre theories about Christmas and the Bible that congregants and students should be aware of.  Television over the holiday season is problematic.  Here are some examples of the beliefs pushed over the airwaves on cable documentaries about Jesus' birth.

These assertions that can be answered with scriptural and archaeological facts...

  • Herod did not kill the Bethlehem infants (Herod: Madman or Murderer on The Discovery Channel).

    Answer > Herod the Great, the one of whom scripture says was the instigator of the death of the infants 2 years and younger and who prompted the family of Jesus to flee to Egypt, ruled from 37 B.C.- 4 B.C. Herod interestingly was not a true Jew and was greatly disliked by the same, but was an Idhumean and was appointed King of Judea. Fearful of the brand of "Jew," he was a frequenter of the commercial Greek marketplaces and strove to be as his adopted title " friend of the Romans." Though a diplomat at heart, he was a man of great cruelty and paranoia. Reports have it that Herod had his nephew drowned, his sons strangled (7 B.C./B.C.E. ), his mother-in-law Alexandra executed as well as his wife Mariamne. The death of Mariamne caused great sadness for Herod who would often call out to her as if she was still alive. If Herod could kill beloved family members (Mariamne) what would 7-20 infants matter to this murderer?
  • Herod did not kill the infants but his two sons. The two stories (Herod's sons death and the Nativity) were combined together to form one story. (Herod: Madman or Murderer on The Discovery Channel).

    Answer > According to Historian's Josephus and Joseph Free, Herods sons were killed either 8 or 7 B.C.E. Jesus was born about 5 B.C.E. though some contend it was the year 6, two years before the death of Herod. The two stories were not combined. There is no evidence to support the above conclusion. Controversy is more interesting than factual history. That is what the Discovery Channel is conveying to its viewers.
  • Herod was too sophisticated to have killed the infants, he was an architectural genius (Herod: Madman or Murderer on The Discovery Channel).

    Answer > Hitler built the Third Reich via his architect Albert Speer. Stalin built up Russia. Both men had blood on their hands as did Herod.
  • There was no Virgin Birth (Jesus: Holy Child on A&E).

    Answer > Virgin Birth (Greek = Parthenos) > an unmarried daughter, maiden, virgin is implied because she was not married.
  • Jesus was the son of a Roman named Panthera (In Search of Christmas on The History Channel).

    Answer > Celsus, an influential 2nd-century Platonist of Alexandria and perhaps the first serious critic of Christianity is the source of this falsehood (Microsoft Encarta). It would have been nice to have had the source for this lie. The History Channel did not bother so I had to conduct my own research.
  • Jesus was confused about whether he was the Messiah (Mary, Mother of Jesus on NBC).

    Answer > There is no proof that Jesus was confused about his divinity or mission. See Luke 2:49, Mark 2: 1-12, 28, John 20:28.
  • Paul rejected Jesus' virgin birth (Jesus: Holy Child on A&E).

    Answer > But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman (not a man > my insertion), made under the law (Galatians 4:4). Paul did not reject Jesus' Virgin Birth.
  • The National Geographic Channel series Science of the Bible contains many errors.

    Answer > Once reviewed, it will be inserted in this location or a new page.
  • Jesus' birth is not historically accurate (Jesus: Holy Child on A&E).

    Answer > There is no proof for this contention.
  • Jesus was born in Nazareth not Bethlehem (Jesus: Holy Child on A&E).

    Answer > See Matthew 2, Luke 2. There is no proof for this contention.
  • There was no Census (In Search of Christmas on The History Channel).

    Answer > A Census from Bacchias, Egypt (119 A.D.) Not the Census issued from the time of Jesus but it does request citizen (taxpayers) to return to their original homes for registration.

    Roman Census' closer to the time of Jesus (below). The Census that Mary and Joseph participated in has yet to be uncovered.

    a) 28 B.C. E > 4,063,000 registrants
    b) 8 B.C.E. > - 4, 233, 000 registrants
    c) 14 A.D. > 4, 937,000 registrants

    Source: In the Fulness of Time by Dr. Paul Maier
  • Contradiction > It was stated there were no Magi on the program, later on it is stated that there were (In Search of Christmas on The History Channel).

    Answer > Perhaps the History Channel needs a proof reader and video editor. Read the Bible, then write the script = Editing 101.
  • Jesus is the new Moses. Herod, the new Pharaoh (In Search of Christmas on The History Channel).

    Answer > Hmm? Still trying to decipher this one.
  • Jesus was Rich. Jesus owned ships (The Art Bell Show "Coast to Coast" on am1500 KSTP).

    Answer > Based upon The Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus and other books by Glenn Kimball. Based upon Vatican documents not contemporary with the first century. Not reliable sources.
  • Judas was a childhood friend of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea was Jesus' uncle. Joseph was the third wealthiest in the world. Joseph owned a tin and lead mining business in Britain (The Art Bell Show "Coast to Coast" on am1500 KSTP).

    Answer > Based upon The Hidden Stories of the Childhood of Jesus and other books by Glenn Kimball. Based upon Vatican documents not contemporary with the first century. Not reliable sources.
  • Jesus never fled to Egypt (In Search of Christmas on The History Channel).

    Answer > Jesus did flee to Egypt. I have documented the routes in my paper "Jesus in Egypt" that I will put up on the site soon. It must be understood that many locations in Egypt are "tourist traps." Every location you visit they say the Holy Family visited with little proof archaeologically. There is a difference between historic sites and traditional sites one exception is probably the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the tomb of Jesus. There is no proof the family stayed in Herod's jurisdiction during the slayings of the infants.
  • Mary met the angel outside of town in the Wilderness. The Bible says she was in town or in the village (Mary: Mother of Jesus on The Nat'l Geographic Channel/Discovery).

    Answer > Luke 1:26.
  • Some Scholars believe the virgin birth was added to the gospels by Christians after the death of Jesus says the Narrator. Note: the program narrator interviewed no Scholars who believed this theory > Some Scholars? Who are they? (Mary: Mother of Jesus on The Nat'l Geographic Channel/Discovery Channel).

    Answer > It is important to cite your sources before you make claims. This is basic. I cannot comment until I can go to the source which the Discovery Channel did not provide.
  • Jesus was illegitimate (Mary: Mother of Jesus on The Nat'l Geographic Channel/Discovery Channel).

    Answer > There is no proof for this contention. Mary and Joseph were married (Matthew 1:24).
  • Mary was beaten by her father after her pregnancy was discovered (Mary: Mother of Jesus on The Nat'l Geographic Channel/Discovery Channel).

    Answer > There is no proof for this contention scripturally or archaeologically.
  • Jesus glowed at his birth (Mary: Mother of Jesus on The Nat'l Geographic Channel/Discovery Channel).

    Answer > There is no proof for this contention scripturally or archaeologically.
  • Jesus is confused about his divinity and mission as a boy and a man (Mary, Mother of Jesus on NBC).Answer > There is no proof for this contention scripturally or archaeologically. There is no proof that Jesus was confused about his divinity or mission. See Luke 2:49, Mark 2: 1-12, 28, John 20:28.
  • Mary gave Jesus his parables (Mary, Mother of Jesus on NBC).

    Answer > There is no proof for this contention scripturally or archaeologically. 
  • Herod wants to kill the infants six months and younger. The Bible says two years and younger (Mary, Mother of Jesus on NBC). 

    Answer > There is no proof for this contention scripturally or archaeologically. See Matthew 2:16.
  • Mary and Joseph were never married (Mary of Nazareth on A&E).

    Answer > There is no proof for this contention. Mary and Joseph were married (Matthew 1:24).
  • N.T. Wright, famous Christian Theologian/Bishop of Durham, believes that Jesus thought that "maybe" he was the Messiah as a boy. Maybe? (Peter Jennings Reporting. Jesus and Paul: The Word and Witness on ABC.

    Jennings: So it’s not all unusual for a boy in Jesus’ time to think something's really got to be done here and possibly
    I’m the one to do it.

    N.T. Wright: Something’s got to be done. Maybe I’ll be the one to do it.

    Jennings: …and maybe I’m the Messiah?

    N.T. Wright: I suspect that half the Jewish mothers in Galilee at the time hoped their son was going to be the Messiah.

What Do Hollywood Academic Critics Believe about the Bible?
  • God is Evil (“Family Guy” on The Cartoon Network).
  • Jesus was a Drunk (“Family Guy” on The Cartoon Network).
  • “He (God) is my favorite fictional character” (The Simpson's on FOX).
  • The Bible is a 2000 year old sleeping pill (The Simpson's on FOX).
  • An animation of Jonah's skeleton still inside the remains of the great fish or whale
    (The Simpson's on FOX). 

  • Adam's wife (Lillith) was a promiscuous demon (“Adam and Eve” on A&E).
  • God was jealous of Adam (“Adam and Eve” on A&E).
  • Noah's Ark boat dimensions were incorrectly stated (“Noah's Ark: The True Story” on The Discovery
    Channel and BBC America).
  • Noah's Ark was many small boats tied together not one large vessel (“Noah's Ark: The True Story” on The Discovery Channel and BBC America).
  • Noah was a king who sold beer and animals but was not permitted to return home after the flood due to
    debts (“Noah's Ark: The True Story” on The Discovery Channel and BBC America).
  • The flood was a small occurrence within a village (“Noah's Ark: The True Story” on The Discovery Channel and BBC America).
  • Noah was an albino and babies fought demons (“Noah and the Ark: Voyage to a New Beginning” on A&E).
  • Sodom was Noah's home, Lot tried to burn Noah's Ark, a waterspout destroyed Lots water Navy and Noah was an insane drunk (“Noah's Ark” on NBC).
  • Sodom and Gomorrah was a myth (“Sodom and Gomorrah” on The History Channel).
  • Joseph never existed (“Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors” on BBC/National Geographic Channel).
  • There was no Satan in the story of Job (“Job: The Devils Test” on A&E).
  • Moses used a magic rod (“Moses” on A&E).
  • Jericho's walls did not fall nor is there any other evidence for the Bible story (“Joshua and the Walls of Jericho” on BBC/America and The Discovery Channel).
  • The Hebrews did not overtake Jericho but were people fleeing from tax collectors (“Joshua and the Walls.of.Jericho” on BBC/America and The Discovery Channel).
  • David did not kill Goliath but was probably involved in a conspiracy to kill King Saul (“King David: Poet Warrior” on A&E). 
  • Queen Esther was weak and the story is probably a myth according to the program's narrator who plants doubts into the viewers mind. (“Queen Esther: Far Away and Long Ago” on A&E). 
  • Herod did not kill the Bethlehem infants (“Herod: Madman or Murderer” on The Discovery Channel).
  • There was no Virgin Birth. Jesus was the son of a Roman (“Jesus: Holy Child” on A&E and “In Search of ..Christmas” on The History Channel).
  • Mary Magdalene is called a Prostitute (not biblical).
  • John calls Jesus a sinner (“Jesus” on CBS).
  • Jesus was in love with both Mary Magdalene and Mary, sister of Martha. Jesus abused his power (“The Real Mary Magdalene” on The Discovery Channel and “Jesus” on CBS). 
  • Jesus has many identity crisis' as a human and as God (“Mary, Mother of Jesus” on NBC).
  • Jesus denies his heavenly father and believes that he is not the way, the truth and the life but others are equal to him (“Jesus” on CBS).
  • Jesus didn't rise from the dead. His body many have been eaten by wild dogs if he was buried at all (“The Execution of Jesus” on A&E). 
  • Jesus' Resurrection = The people that saw Jesus " alive" post-Resurrection were only seeing a vision - a normal part of the grieving process. Jesus did not appear to people risen (“The Execution of Jesus” on A&E).
  • Peter didn't heal through the power of Jesus he just faked it (“Peter: Jesus' Fisherman” on The Discovery Channel). 
  • Paul was converted by an Earthquake flash (“Who was Paul” on The Discovery Channel).

    Bible Skeptics Attempt to to Discredit the Word of God
    Quote: "There is no boat there (on Ararat) and there never has been."
    Comment: A Bible Scholar who denies scripture? Lloyd Bailey, Bible Scholar, made the above quote on "Noah's Ark: The True Story" (BBC Discovery Channel) in 2003.

    Quote: "The Noah story contains all the best elements in folklore…a threat to humanity, a sense of precariousness of life, the danger and possibility of interacting with…the divine."
    Comment: Noah's Ark is folklore? I thought these programs were meant to provide both sides of the topic or issue. I guess I was wrong. They are propagandist at their core. David Vanderhooft (Asst Professor of Hebrew Scripture at Boston College") made the above quote on "Mysteries of Noah's Flood" - TLC (2002)

    Quote: "…here for the first time was practically verbatim written confirmation that the stories contained in the bible had (occurred - my insertion) outside of the Bible."
    Comment: The Gilgamesh Epic, of whom Tinney is referring, is not even practically verbatim of Noah's Flood. There are 11-12 similarities, 2-3 lines of discrepancy and at least 25 differences between the Bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Verbatim? Was Moses a Plagiarist? Dr. Steve Tinney (Asst Curator, University of Pennsylvania Museum) made the above quote on "Mysteries of Noah's Flood" - TLC (2002)

    Quote: "If you read the stories...the passages in Gilgamesh and you didn't tell people where they come from you'd say… this is from the Bible it sounds almost the same."
    Comment: See previous note. Bruce Zukerman (Univ. of S. Ca.) made the above quote on "Mysteries of Noah's Flood" - TLC (2002)

    Quote: "There is very little doubt that the Mesopotamian literary traditions that include these flood narratives is much older than the Hebrew one."
    Comment: Just because Genesis was "compiled" during the 1400's doesn't mean that it originated with Gilgamesh or that Moses was a plagiarist. The same argument can be reversed. No doubt that Noah had tablets passed down to him from previous generations that were eventually passed down to Moses. The Jews had a strong written and oral tradition. Remember that the Gilgamesh Epic (discovered about 1871) fragments were dated anywhere from 1750-612 B.C. (Randall Price, The Stones Cry Out) over 1,000 yrs of fragments to piece together. No doubt a copy of an earlier text (presumably 2600 B.C.) was written but it has not been recovered so what we see is the opposite of the programs assertion. We have a fragmented copy that dates before, during or after the compiling of Genesis around 1400 B.C. but they don't tell you that fact. The flood story is contained on tablet 11 of the 12 discovered. I personally believe the Flood occurred pre-Hassuna (5500 B.C.) and others believe it happened during the Ubaid period (4100-3750 B.C.). I personally believe that the Tower of Babel events occurred during this period (Ubaid) and not the famed Flood due to the introduction of mud brick construction to build structures including Ziggurats (Tower of Babel). This is just a theory which is all anyone else can academically conclude. David Vanderhooft (Asst Professor of Hebrew Scripture at Boston College) made the above quote on "Mysteries of Noah's Flood" - TLC (2002)

    Quote: "It's amazing how accurate the Bible sometimes turns out to be."
    Quote: "Once science entered into the world it was no longer so easy to believe the miracles of the Bible so there has a been a desire, I think, to be prove them to be true and I think that is exactly what drives people out into the Dead Sea region to try to dig up ancient legends like Sodom and Gomorrah."
    Quote: "We sometimes find when we look at Bible stories that people think they know what they say. When we look more closely we sometimes find that the text is ambivalent."
    Comment: My belief is that both sides of the argument concerning Sodom and Gomorrah's archaeological merits should be represented. Only one side (the critical side) is represented in this episode of History's Mysteries. It's amazing how Carole Fontaine can say, "It's amazing how accurate the Bible sometimes turns out to be" (gee thanks) then she calls Sodom and Gomorrah "ancient legends." What is it? Legend or accurate History Miss Fontaine? Carole Fontaine of Andover Newton Theological School made the above quotes in "Sodom and Gomorrah" on The History Channel (History's Mysteries).

    Quote: "Contributing to the belief that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah may be more fable than fact is the predominance of similar tales from folklore."
    Quote: "After close study of the Sodom and Gomorrah story, in Genesis, many scholars have come to doubt its true intent was to condemn sexual deviance."
    Comment: The tales from folklore that are presented are people looking from afar to a city or village that had been destroyed. The assumption is that their downfall is a direct result of Gods judgment. Complete conjecture with little fact. We know God sent messengers to Sodom to rescue Lot. For all we know some of these cities supposedly destroyed by God were destroyed via mere human neglect. Who are these many Scholars? The program never says. Why not consult the Bible for what the Bible says? Genesis 19:5-8. No doubt there was wickedness in many forms at Sodom and Gomorrah but don't lessen the depravity of homosexuality in fear of reprisal from the gay community or the current cultural ideas of morality. The Narrator made the quotes above on "Sodom and Gomorrah" on The History Channel's "History's Mysteries."

    Quote: "…could such a coat (The Coat of Many Colors) have existed in 600 B.C.?"
    Comment: The program begins with the assumption that the Jews wrote the Joseph portions of Genesis in 600 B.C. during the Babylonian Captivity This idea is pure speculation with little hard evidence. There has been a trend among critics to try to take biblical events out of their historical settings and place them into different periods of history. This process is meant to lessen the bibles effectiveness and reliability as an historical text and this is what is being done here to Joseph. In order for Joseph's story to be credible, the author would have to known many Egyptian beliefs/practices (the price of slaves, prison conditions, vizier duties, rewards, punishments, titles) and many other things that a captive Jew in Babylon would not have known. Why is 600 B.C. the standard time period for this program? Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the following quotes in "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence" in 2003.

    Quote: "It almost sounds too convenient."
    Comment: Joseph's interpretation of the Kings/Pharaoh's Dream (Genesis 41) sounds "too convenient" for the writers of this program to believe actually occurred. Why can't these programs restrain themselves from mocking the Bible or spreading doubt? I thought these programs were meant to be informative and non-biased, not a platform to express skepticism. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence" in 2003.

    Quote: "The story of Joseph "(it is likely) was embellished in places for religious reasons."
    Quote: "Someone (like) Joseph could've risen to the top of one of the world's greatest civilizations."
    Comment: Why embellish the story of Joseph? What areas were embellished? What areas of Genesis pertaining to Joseph are not historical? Why can't the writers, producers and narrator believe there was an actual Joseph not a "Joseph figure?" The last quotes sounds like something that Archaeologist William Dever (University of Arizona, Biblical Archaeology Review contributor) would say. Dever calls some biblical characters "figures." These "figures" are not the actual bible characters but someone who was probably the source for the mythological Joseph, Moses etc;. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quotes in "Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence" in 2003.

    Quote: Moses was looking for a "decisive act" (the murder of the Egyptian, by Moses, who was beating the Hebrew slave) to depart from Egypt.
    Comment: Not biblical (See Exodus 2:11-14). This view is supported by interviewee Peter A. Pitzele. The Narrator made the above quote on A&E's program "Biography" called "Moses" which was first aired in 1996.

    Quote: "Modern scholars believe the actual number was much lower, a few thousand."
    Comment: This comment about the number of Hebrews who left Egypt is not supportable because the "scholars" are never named or interviewed. This is a common technique used by many programs of this ilk. The writers/producers simply throw out this line and hope the viewers will accept it in its vague form. Unfortunately many do. The Narrator made the above quote on A&E's program "Biography" called "Moses" which was first aired in 1996.

    Quote: "Moses' magic rod" (Narrator comment)
    Comment: This program makes the assumption that Moses was some kind of magician multiple times. This is not biblical. The Narrator made the above quote on A&E's program "Biography" called "Moses" which was first aired in1996.

    Quote: "Forgive the Hebrews for what they have done or absolve him from his mission"
    Comment: This quote is not biblical. Moses says for God to blot out his name from his book (Exodus 32:32) but he does not say he wants to leave the Hebrews or not fulfill his mission. The Narrator made the above quote on A&E's Biography called "Moses" which was first aired in1996.

    Quote: "They are not at all." Archaeologist Jonathan Tubb considers Canaanites not as wicked, evil people of Jericho.
    Comment: The Canaanites worshipped Baal and were ritual polytheists, Anat, goddess consort of Baal, was a violent and sadistic goddess who approved of ritualistic prostitution. Other deities included the god of health and crafts (Shulman and Koshar) and the god of death (Mot) and pestilence (Reshep). Not wicked? They also worshipped the goddess Asherah (the worship of a tree or wooden symbol) to venerate her. E.M. Blaiklock (author of The New International Dictionary of Biblical Archaeology) writes, "Ugaritic texts make it evident that Canaanite religion was an intensely corrupt and immoral kind, which pervaded and even contaminated other Near Eastern religions." Yes, they were wicked. Jonathan Tubb made the above quote on "Joshua and the Walls of Jericho," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "All we have is the Bible."
    Comment: The narrator seems to limit the Bible as a historical document as if it's not a reliable source. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Joshua and the Walls of Jericho," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: (sarcastic) "Garstang discovered or thought he had discovered the very walls that Joshua brought tumbling down…" Dr. William Dever made this quote on "Joshua and the Walls of Jericho," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."
    Comment: William Dever fails to mention some hard facts concerning Jericho's excavators (see below). I assume Dever agrees with the findings of excavator Kathleen Kenyon as do other critics of the Bible "
    John Garstang: A Jericho excavator from the 1930's found pottery dated to the time of Joshua (1400 B.C.) as well as evidence of the city (Bronze Age) destroyed. Dated scarabs found at the city from the 15th Century B.C. containing names of Pharaoh's just prior to the conquest. "
    Kathleen Kenyon: A Jericho excavator from the 1950's excavated only 1/3 of Garstang's area which was an impoverished location. Discovered fallen red brick on the west trench (the walls did fall) but overlooked bi-chrome ware found by Garstang. Kenyon was notorious for publishing materials that fit only her position concerning Jericho.
    Bryant Wood: Examined Kenyon's theories after her death in the late 1970's and challenged her conclusion's in saying that the Late Bronze Age 1 (ca. 1400 B.C.) cemeteries were in use at the time the Bible says Jericho was destroyed. Egyptian scarabs were found dating the 18th - 14th centuries and a radio carbon sample was taken and was independently tested to 1410 B.C. The sample was taken from the final destruction layer plus or minus 40 yrs. Garstang and Woods research corroborate the biblical account.

    Quote: "if the account can be read literally."
    Comment: The Narrator seems to limit the Bible as a historical document as if it's not a reliable source concerning Joshua and Jericho. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Joshua and the Walls of Jericho," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "Kathleen Kenyon was able to examine in minute detail the very, very complex phases of occupation (of Jericho, my insertion)…she was able to see an awful lot that Garstang had simply missed."
    Comment: This quote was made by Felicity Cobbing (ironically, John Garstang's Curator). How can Kenyon see "an awful lot" when she excavated an impoverished area? 1/3 the size of Garstangs originally excavation? For more information on this subject see Garry Brantley's book called "Digging for Answers," 1995. You can purchase this book via The Associates for Biblical Research plus other materials on Jericho. Felicity Cobbing made the above quote in "Joshua and the Walls of Jericho," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "The archaeological record it seems no longer supports the Joshua story and any lingering doubt was dispelled when historians realized that no Israelite army however strong could have taken on the Canaanites."
    Comment: I thought these programs were meant to provide both sides of the topic or issue. I guess I was wrong. They are propagandist at their core and only interview those that support their intended view. Dr. Bryant Wood (The Associates for Biblical Research) was not interviewed for this program to provide balance. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Joshua and the Walls of Jericho," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "So, evidence unearthed since the 1950's has left little of the traditional account of Joshua's conquest standing."
    Quote: "Jericho's walls crumbled before Joshua could have arrived." Quote: "So Joshua's conquest seems to be a myth after all."
    Quote: "So here at last, we glimpse the reality behind the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho. It's not one true story but many woven together to make a point. Not about history but freedom and faith."
    Comment: This is one of the major problems with many cable documentaries. 90% of those interviewed are from liberal Seminary's (Dever, Crossan, Fontaine, Vanderhooft, Tinney, Batten, Tubb, Bailey) and other institutions. Rarely are academic Conservatives (Wood, Hoffmeier (?), Wise, Shea, Yamauchi, Aling, Billington, Byers) interviewed. The above quotes lead only to one conclusion and that is that Jericho was a myth. If the programs had a balanced perspective these quotes would at the very least express disagreement between those the believe the Bible and those that do not. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quotes in "Joshua and the Walls of Jericho," BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "Religious persecution is actually very rare almost non-existent in the ancient world. Peoples may be conquered but their religions were never outlawed."
    Comment: The Bible says different. Jehoiada, Hezekiah and Josiah all outlawed pagan religion. See 2 Chronicles 23, 31 and 34. Rare? Larry Wills (Episcopal Divinity School) made the above quote in "Queen Esther: Far Away and Long Ago" on "Mysteries of the Bible" on A&E in 1994.

    Quote: "Esther was a cardboard lady."
    Comment: Walter Zanger's (Jewish author) comment depicts Esther as a weak woman or a "cardboard lady." There is no doubt that she had fears about going before Xerxes (King Ahaseurus) (see Esther 4:11) but she did go. Esther's exposing of Haman to Xerxes was far from a weak act. Esther also pleaded before the king to allow the Jews to defend themselves against the coming attack by Hamans men. Does this sound like weakness? If so, give me some. Author Walter Zanger made the above quote in "Queen Esther: Far Away and Long Ago" on "Mysteries of the Bible" on A&E in 1994.

    Quote: "How much of the story of Esther is true or merely a legend?"
    Comment: The writers attempt at planting doubt into the minds of the viewer. These quotes are strategically placed to spread skepticism. To be fair, Dr. Edwin Yamauchi (Miami University at Ohio) and Dr. William Shea (formerly of Andrews University) do make sound arguments in support of Esther. The Narrator made the above quote in "Queen Esther: Far Away and Long Ago" on "Mysteries of the Bible" on A&E in 1994.

    Quote: Herod was an "architectural genius" and a "highly cultured" man.
    Comments: The Narrator asserts that because Herod had the above qualities he was not the murderer that the Bible claims him to be (the death of the infants around the time Jesus was born). This idea is erroneous. Did not Hitler have Albert Speer (Third Reich Architect) to assist him with his building projects? Did not Hitler also order the extermination of many? Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Herod: Madman or Murderer" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence," 2003.

    Quote: Were "thousands of infant boys" killed by Herod?
    Comment: The Bible does not say thousands were killed. This fact is clearly seen in Matthew 2:16 (Herod ordered the death of those in Bethlehem and surrounding areas). Again, the program makes assertions that the Bible does not make or even allude to. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Herod: Madman or Murderer" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence," 2003.

    Quote: "Some Scholars believe there was no Massacre."
    Comment: "Some Scholars believe there was no Massacre." This idea is some how weaved into the death of Herod's sons as some kind of confusion or combination of events between the kings sons and the Bethlehem massacre (Peter Richardson). This is pure conjecture with little or no evidence. I assume Richardson is "some scholars." Either there was a script mistake or Richardson is some strange male version of Sybil (The woman with the multiple personalities played by Sally Field in the 1970's film). Earlier in the program the assertion was made that there was no massacre (Peter Richardson, Historian). Sometimes these programs get so wrapped up in other aspects of their productions that their scripts frequently contradict important statements. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Herod: Madman or Murderer" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence," 2003.

    Quote: "Maybe I'm the one to do it."
    Comment: This quote is from "Jesus and Paul - The Word and the Witness." This conversation was between N.T. Wright and Peter Jennings. The conversation dealt with Jesus wondering if he was the Messiah. As if Jesus woke up one morning and pondered the idea, "Maybe I'm the one to do it" as if his experience in the temple at age 12 (see Luke 2:49) was just some kind of fluke. Jesus is clearly unsure of who he is. Jesus seems to be suffering some identity crisis, a common theme in current films on Jesus. The above quote was made by N.T. Wright on "Jesus and Paul - The Word and the Witness," ABC, 2004.

    Quote: "Pilate wanted Jesus dead. Not the Jewish leaders, some historians say."
    Comment: This is a clear contradiction of scripture (Matthew 26, 27. Mark 14, 15. Luke 22, 23. John 18, 19. The above quote was made by Peter Jennings on "Jesus and Paul - The Word and the Witness," ABC, 2004.

    Quote: "There is debate whether Jesus was put on trial by the High Priests."
    Comment: This is a clear contradiction of scripture (Matthew 26:59, 60, Luke 22:66-71). The above quote was made by Peter Jennings on "Jesus and Paul - The Word and the Witness," ABC, 2004.

    Quote: "Somebody close to Jesus betrayed him."
    Comment: John Dominic Crossan (The Jesus Seminar) cannot bring himself to conclude that Judas betrayed Jesus but it was "somebody." The above quote was made by John Dominic Crossan (Professor of Religious Studies DePaul University, Chicago) on "Jesus and Paul - The Word and the Witness," ABC, 2004.

    Quote: “If we were to find the body of Jesus in a tomb in Jerusalem today and it was without any doubt the body of Jesus. Would that destroy Christian faith? It certainly would not destroy my Christian faith. What happens to bodies, I leave up to God.”
    Comment: If Jesus didn't rise there is no Christian faith! What did Paul write to the Church at Corinth? "If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith." (1 Corinthians 15:14). "If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; and you're still in your sins." (I Corinthians 15:17). No more needs to be said regarding this Jesus Seminar members ideas. The above quote was made by John Dominic Crossan (Professor of Religious Studies, DePaul University, Chicago) on "The Execution of Jesus" on A&E'S Mysteries of the Bible, 1994.

    Quote: "In many ways, the Garden Tomb seems to fit the words of the gospel exactly. It lies in a garden close to a cliff face that looks like a skull."
    Comment: The Garden Tomb, though aesthetically pleasing, is not the tomb of Jesus. It is too old. The mere "look" of a given location does not necessarily mean it is the historical location. Many sites in Jerusalem are traditional sites and many are historical. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre fits the location of the tomb and supplies more evidence to support the location as the probable tomb. The program narrator made the above quote in "Tomb of Christ" on PBS's "Secrets of the Dead." Quote: "It (The Garden Tomb) does fit all the details in the Bible about the tomb of Jesus."

    Quote: "Inside, evidence that this was the right tomb seemed even stronger."
    Comment: Not true. See my article on the Tomb of Jesus (click here). To be fair, the program does come to the conclusion that the tomb within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the probable location. The program narrator made the above quotes in "Tomb of Christ" on PBS's "Secrets of the Dead."

    Quote: "Whether the story was a miracle or a metaphor we cannot tell."
    Comment: The Narrator (Avery Brooks) and program writers cannot bring themselves to conclude Jesus actually walked on water and Peter joined him. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Peter: Jesus' Fisherman" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "…if the people believed he could heal the sick it would make his job easier."
    Comment: The Narrator (Avery Brooks) and program writers portray Peter as a charlatan who is deceiving the people into thinking he can heal them. Sarcastic and demeaning delivery. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Peter: Jesus' Fisherman" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "…kind of like Joker to Batman."
    Comment: Andrea Mollinary (Theologian) tries to parallel two biblical characters into two fictional comic book characters. This quote occurred during a portion of the program where Peter and Simon Magus are in a non-biblical confrontation (from The Acts of Peter) where Magus purportedly levitates off the ground near Rome before Peter and a crowd. Andrea Mollinary made the above quote in "Peter: Jesus' Fisherman" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "but we know her best as a prostitute."
    Comment: No we don't. Mary is never called a prostitute in the Bible. She is one of many who were healed from demon possession (Mark 16:9). The idea that Mary was a prostitute is repeated or is assumed to be true at least eleven more times in the program. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "Mary was a tax slave."
    Comment: There is no archaeological evidence to prove this is true. Richard Horseley (Historian) made the above quote in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "none of these texts were included in the Bible because the content didn't conform to Christian doctrine."
    Comment: Avery Brooks (Narrator) seems to be convinced that it is unfair that non-biblical texts (Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Philip, Acts of Peter) were not included in the New Testament. The word "conform" seems to be a sarcastic phrase used by the narrator and writers to project the Bible as narrow, ridged and uncompromising. Good! It keeps the non-scholarly stuff out! The Nag Hammadi texts used in this program are from the early fourth century not from the time of Jesus. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "the Savior loved her"
    Quote: "…this implies that Mary and Jesus had a special relationship."
    Comment: These fragmented portions of the Gospel of Philip (The Nag Hammadi texts used in this program are from the early fourth century not from the time of Jesus) supposedly allude to some romantic relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. There is absolutely no proof that there was a relationship nor was she a favored companion over the other disciples. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quotes in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "and he kissed her…on the mouth." (Note: The Nag Hammadi texts used in this program are from the early fourth century not from the time of Jesus).
    Comment: An interviewee Ross Kraemer (Historian) believes, "the image suggests not necessarily sexuality but transmission of divine knowledge. Karen King (Biblical Historian) suggests that, "the kiss becomes a symbol for an intimate reception of knowledge, of the word of God, of learning." Both of these opinions seem to suggest that Jesus was some kind of Jim Jones (The Peoples Temple Pastor who abused his power) type of preacher who used his spiritual/charismatic power for sexual purposes and gratification. Terrible!! Stephen Emmel (Copticologist) and Avery Brooks made the above quote (or was implied) at separate times in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "we cannot say if Jesus really stood before her resurrected or if Mary simple believed she had seen him…"
    Comment: Mary's account from the Gospels is denied or questioned. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence." Quote: "This idea (Jesus Resurrection and eventual Christian successes) is the idea of Mary Madgalene." Comment: Mary invented the Resurrection? Did not others also see Jesus alive? See Luke 24, John 20, 21, Acts 1. Tal Ilan (Jewish Historian) made the above quote in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "She's not just an Apostle, she's the Apostle."
    Quote: "We've seen evidence that Mary Magdalene was not only Jesus' closes companion but also a leader and teacher of the other disciples."
    Comment: Mary Magdalene is considered the most important Apostle, teacher of the Apostles and Jesus' closest confidant. There is no reason to assume from the historical records that were used to construct the New Testament that Mary was more important than the Apostles. (Note: The Nag Hammadi texts used in this program are from the early fourth century not from the time of Jesus). Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quotes in "The Real Mary Magdalene" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: (Paul) "never met Jesus of Nazareth."
    Comment: Paul did indeed meet Jesus but in the most unique way, at the moment of Paul's conversion (Acts 9). There is a striking inconsistency at the end of the program where the narrator contradicts himself. The Narrator comments, " When Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus it changed his life and the future of Christianity…" So Paul did meet Jesus? I'm confused. A very funny scene has Paul rolling down a nearby hill at moment of his conversion and this is repeated a couple times. The Bible says Paul fell to the ground (Acts 9:4). Paul did not trip, roll, fall or tumble down a hill. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Who Was Paul" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "Some experts believe."
    Comment: This phrase "some experts believe" has been used countless times but rarely are the experts identified. This phrase was used when the Narrator was discussing the possibility that Paul was not converted by Jesus but by an earthquake and was blinded by the light from the electromagnetic wave flash (an Earthquake light) in 37 A.D. The Earthquake supposedly took place in Antioch the same day that Paul was converted on his Damascus journey. How did they determine this fact? It's impossible. If it was possible, the earthquake flash was very selective because his companions (Acts 9:7-9) and countless peoples between Antioch and Jerusalem were not affected. No where in Josephus does the Jewish writer/historian mention an outbreak of rampant blindess in the mid-thirties A.D. Avery Brooks (Narrator) made the above quote in "Who Was Paul" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "I was a little afraid, of course, because I heard that some people have really wild experiences in here but I felt a presence which was not something I expected…and a little bit of a visual experience but the presence was very memorable, it was kind of like having a person in the room."
    Comment: This comment was made by Lauren Sculthorpe, a patient in the office of Dr. Michael Persinger (a Neuropsychologist). Persinger used a earthquake/light helmet that simulated light or an earthquake flash to try to re-create Pauls conversion on Sculthorpe. I have never seen any program so determined to prove the Bible wrong! Laura Sculthorpe made the above quote in "Who Was Paul" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence."

    Quote: "These balls of light are so energetic that if you were close to them, they could induce seizures within your brain and actual produce unconsciousness and stimulate areas of the brain that may produce tremendous mystical experiences. Particularly the feeling of a sensed presence."
    Comment: No comment. I'm laughing too hard. Dr. Michael Persinger made the above quote in "Who Was Paul" on BBC/The National Geographic Channel's "Ancient Evidence." ]
    Sincerest thanks to Rick Dack for this helpful article --

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