Top 10 Illuminati Symbols We See In Mass Media Everyday
Are you experienced enough to recognize the Illuminati symbolism that is so prevalent in popular culture and mass media? From advertising and cinema, to music and video games, everywhere you look, the elitists are shoving in our face the very images that stand for the secrecy that is tearing the entire world apart. But for those not in the know and not really sure how to notice the difference between propaganda and real media, allow us to take a moment to fill you in on the symbols that are all around you everyday, yet are Illuminati in origin. Note: At any time you can click an image to see a larger version in greater detail.
Be forewarned, you will NEVER look at life the same way after this. Once you have the knowledge to recognize these symbols, you also have the ability to no longer ignore them and inform others of the Illuminati control that is obviously running this world.
This is the one you probably see the most, and with good reason. A great deal of these symbols come from the apex of Egyptian culture, which as you all know, what steeped HEAVILY in old world Paganism. In other words, multiple Gods of both good AND evil are worshiped. The body dies but the soul never does. The other idea of a pyramid is the idea that the top tiers of the pyramid are all the most important people, and the bottom layers are the poor and down trodden, being crushed. Best example of this is on the dollar bill, which shows the top of the pyramid floating above the actual pyramid, which is said to be the ULTIMATE Illuminati sign.
Truth be told, you can’t see the pyramid without often seeing this next one attached to it.
Also known as the Udjat.
Did you know the all-seeing-eye is the eye of the Devil? And have you REALLY absorbed all the times you see this image daily in mass media and advertising. The CBS logo is another blatant example of this being shoved down people’s throats daily without them even knowing it. The eye is, no joke, like the eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings. The idea is that is resides over us all, and sees what we are doing, making sure we are worshiping correctly.
Creepy stuff, huh?
Very much made more famous by Illuminati lover, Jay Z, who holds up his hand diamond anytime there is a camera around, it still is very clear what it is.
And have you seen all the other celebrities caught on tape flashing the same exact hand symbol? From bank execs to even (shocker here, huh) members of the Rockefeller family, which Jay Z had also been shouting out since he first started in music. At one point in seemed like Jay Z wanted into the Illuminati. Now, we can all safely say he made it, obviously.
You see this one way more than you are even aware, as this symbol is the easiest to miss or mistake as something else.
The way it works is, on one hand you are holding up a circle, with your three fingers outstretched. On the other hand you are doing the same thing. So, the 0 you hold is actually the opening for the six, with your three other fingers representing the stems of the letters. So when one person is holding up and “a-okay” symbol on both their hands, you have an homage to 666, which is a shoutout to Lucifer.
In some cases, the worst offenders throw both the 666 AND the all-seeing-eye at once.
While this one may surprise people for being not as well known as the others on the list, the owl in pagan religions is named Moloch, and he is the lord of the underworld, capable of great power.
While discovered that the most imporant sections of Washington D.C form an owl, it is pretty mind blowing, but that is nothing. If you want to really know how deeply the owl image goes, click here and find out about Bohemian Grove, which will forever change the way you perceive our government.
You know what a pentagram is, right? It is a angular circle with a off-center star in it used in rituals of dark magic and Satan worship.
And to see examples of this you need to look no further than the Pentagon itself, which even in its name, openly admits what it is trying to pay homage to. The corners of a Pentagon connect to form a Pentagram. The number 5 is of significance to the Elite. Pentagon, Pentagram, a 5 sided star are all one and the same thing, and are of significant to satanic rituals. They put all the signs right in front of most of our faces, yet still, most people just ignore it. How many national flags use the 5 pointed star? That is why they like us, we are already under their control.
The Obelisk is a phallic symbol (meaning it represents a penis) and is oft most tied to Sun-God Ra.
Obelisks symbolize fertility, patriarchal reign over society, virility, and strength. The further drive home the idea of a world run by men with secret agendas, and the place that obvious sings under all of our noses, and we ignore it anyway, like good sheep. Truth be told, there is atleast one of those in almost every state in the Country.
So it seems we Americans don’t like to ask questions when it comes to things we don’t understand. What makes me say this?
Our Country has statues everywhere that are nods to ancient, Pagan Gods. Gods from a time we supposedly don’t worship anymore, yet almost every major metropolitan agency of the government seems to have one, perched on their roof, holding an olive branch in some desperate plea for a false sense of peace, even though we all know better.
Or do we?
The inverted cross is a cross that is scene upside down. It is direct homage to Lucifer, and stands as bitter opposition to what we normally equate organized religion with.
But ofcourse, more and more pop stars and celebrities have been seen wearing clothes and donning necklaces that have the inverted cross. While the other symbols on this list are very much real, none are as quite as in your face as the upside down cross is. It is a quiet nod to anarchy and madness, and shows the direction the pop world is going.
And get ready, because it is only going to get worse.
This is the head of Satan. And though you may mistakenly think you don’t see it, let me show you just how much you do:
You see, whether or not you know it, all of this is all around us, every day. These symbols and images get rammed down our throats, and instead of questioning it like we should, we just accept it all, and ultimately perpetuate the problem.
Stand up, find your voice, and USE IT! If we all say enough is enough, then they will have no choice but to listen to us. This stuff is NOT okay, and if we spread the word enough, there will be more of us than them. Right now, though, they still have the advantage.
Let’s change that.