This World Hates Jesus Christ!
Why is The World so Afraid of Jesus?
Why is it that when those in power and positions of influence in the world today hear the name of Jesus, do they tremble? Why does it shake them up so? Why do they hate the name enough to try to remove it from all walks of life. Why are they turning against the Church because of the name of Jesus?
Friend, it is because He demands accountability. Accountability from you, accountability from me and accountability from THEM! Jesus offers, expects and demands absolutes and this scares the world to death (quite literally).
Because of rebellion, the world does not want rules, nor do they want anyone, any religion or any God telling them that there is a "right" and there is a "wrong". No. This world wants to do what they will (much like Satanists believe in their reprobate, damnable, accursed Satanic bible. Whatever pleasures men today is exactly the religion the world is looking for, and they are having it that way!
Because of rebellion, the world does not want rules, nor do they want anyone, any religion or any God telling them that there is a "right" and there is a "wrong". No. This world wants to do what they will (much like Satanists believe in their reprobate, damnable, accursed Satanic bible. Whatever pleasures men today is exactly the religion the world is looking for, and they are having it that way!
Why Attack Jesus?
Jesus Christ laid down His life for them, He loves them and He only wants the best for them. Jesus did for them what they won't even do for their own families, He gave up everything He had for everything they are! The greatest thing Jesus gave to us was the Gospel in order for us all to gain eternal life! The second greatest thing was the Church, and the Lord Jesus Christ charged the Church with spreading the Gospel message. It is only by the Gospel that hardened hearts can ever be changed. The Lord expects us to love the world enough that instead of, as some teach today, wanting to see them pay, we will want to see them get saved! Unfortunately, the Church is too caught up in naming and claiming a good life for themselves, they're too busy naming and claiming the wealth of this world. The church has violated 1 John 2:15:
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
You can't tell me the Church doesn't "love the world" when it spends the vast majority of its time trying to gain the things of the world! This is partially the problem. The world sees this and wonders why the Church has become so materialistic, so covetous and so hypocritical in their theology.
Jesus loved the world and He expects us to love them too!
This "world" is unrelenting in its open hostility to Christians and is determined to wipe out every divine principle for which Christianity stands.
Christians face open discrimination against their religious beliefs and against expressing them in public anywhere. Schools today are the prime example of this. Children, teachers and parents are chastised for religious utterances despite the constitution's guarantee of a citizen's right to free speech and the right to freely exercise his or her religion. In addition, many government agencies today, including the courts, have not only undermined the family but have endorsed programs and policies contrary to traditional family values and morals.
The government itself wants to substitute creationism with evolution. It denies the sacredness of human life by supporting abortion. It achieves the breakdown of the family unit by allowing divorce for any reason at all that someone may devise. The purity of the marriage relationship is denied by pre-marital sex and a promotion of "safe-sex" rather than NO sex. Homosexuality and lesbianism are looked on as acceptable alternative lifestyles and homosexuals and lesbians are given "special" rights, above their already constitutionally given "equal" rights. God's order of authority in the home AND IN THE CHURCH, is attacked those in the feminist movement as being ridiculous. After all, who ever heard of a wife being in submission according to the ROLE that God placed her in? Church and state are so separated as to ban the mention of God and Christ from public life entirely, even though the constitution was written to keep the State out of religion, not religion out of the state!. Obscenity, pornography, nakedness, filth, and violence are treated with amiable tolerance and Parliament refuses to put a stop to it.
Our children are being taught to respect homosexuality as "simply being different," and to never think of it as wrong or unnatural, they are also taught to despise anyone who disagrees (you know, like those "hateful" Christian people). Those of us who refuse to embrace these perverted life-styles are labeled as homophobic, old-fashioned, intolerant and as bigots.
Let me inform you of something: "Hate crime" and "human rights" laws have nothing to do with hate and human rights; they have everything to do with how political agendas supporting perversion such as homosexuality can use the courts to "force" people and businesses to either "think" in a certain manner or to pay the price. That is the REAL motive behind "hate crimes". I always thought "crime" was crime and should be punished as such. There is absolutely no need to have a special definition for crime or to make one murder more important than another.
I believe there is a deliberate effort in the world today to discredit Christians while the same time attempting to promote "religious ideas". Every single Pastor needs to wake up today and teach his church that a Christian is not "what you do" it is WHO YOU ARE!
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The late Terry Schiavo |
It is Christians who being stereotyped and misrepresented in this culture! The media is completely biased against Christianity (except when it suits their puposes). When was the last time you saw a TV show or a movie that portrayed Christians as anything other than greedy, hypocritical or incompetent?
We have a society who opposes not only itself, but also opposes any form of truth. This, friend, is the way of Hilter, Nero, Hussein, and other tyrants of history, and it is becoming prevalent in our present world.
When an idea or a class of people are constantly attacked in public, in television, newspaper and the movies, the general public will eventually hold a diminished view of that people. An anti-Christian mindset has developed in our schools and in the media, and it is now spreading to the general public. I've watched over the past few years as Christians, who used to be acknowledged as the wholesome core of cultural stability, are now seen as dangerous and somehow subversive, especially when it comes to politics.
When a culture begins to look at Christians in this manner, they will eventually begin to persecute them and attempt to silence them by any means necessary. The world is being prepared for one to come - The Antichrist. There will be those elitists who accept any and every doctrine that comes along that will fall head over heels for the soothing words of the Antichrist. On the other hand, Christians will be the hated, the outcasts, the evil ones. It is happening as you read this page. The thought process of ethnic cleansing that has been so influential in the world today has crossed the line and now become "religous" cleansing.
As I wrap this up, there is one thing I want you to know. You WILL see persecution of the Church in the coming years. When the Antichrist succeeds in convincing his hordes of New Age demonic believers that they are the "true worshippers" of God and that Christians are inferior, ignorant and dangerous to "world peace and unity", you'll see it come.
"And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. If any man have an ear, let him hear." Revelation 13:7-9