Heavy Metal rocker and known Satanist, Ozzy Osbourne, has featured Pan on all of his recent album covers (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). Ozzy is bound for Hell. The Rock 'N' Roll industry is infamous for worshipping Pan, who is the very embodiment of Rock music. Pan represents Satan, which is what the ever-so-popular Satanic hand sign shows, allegiance to the Beast, the coming Antichrist. Walt Disney features a little girl falling in love with Pan in PAN'S LABYRINTH.
The Word of God teaches that the wicked will one day be judged by their works . . .
Rock "N' Roll is a work of the flesh, a work of darkness. Many people fail to recognize the demonic forces all around us in society today. Rock 'N' Roll is absolutely saturated in demonism, sexual immorality, rebellion and hatred against God. There's a website online1 that actually sexually rates hundreds of Rock stars, like Steven Tyler and Gene Simmons, by the groupies (whores) that follow them from city to city for the sole purpose of fornicating with them. This is demonism. Pornography is demonism. Anything that influences people for Satan is demonism. So I don't look for demons and red-tailed devils, Satan comes to us the Bible says with false teachings, sensual entertainers and the counsel of the ungodly.Woe unto the wicked! I eagerly await the time when Jesus Christ will reign triumphantly from Jerusalem during the Millennium Period as King over the whole earth, and what a time of peace and righteousness that will be! Good bye Las Vegas! Good bye Mardi Gras! Good bye Hollywood! Good bye Broadway! Good bye Rock 'N' Roll! Amen! The Rolling Stones are infamous for their allegiance to Satan as well. The song "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, is the official anthem for the Church of Satan. In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks sympathy for all who meet him. Lead singer, Mick Jagger claims that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, helped inspire their music! Their album titled, "Their Satanic Majesties Request," leaves no doubt to their allegiance! Here's a photo of Pan seducing a women, in which I blocked out their private parts. Pan is shown with an erection in many photos, including this one . . .
Rock "N' Roll music worships the perverted Pagan god, Pan, signified by the horned El Diablo hand sign. The significance of the goat (or the ram) representing Satan is in that they are a mockery of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.
Paul McCartney produced a solo album in 1971 called “RAM.” He is pictured fondling a RAM on his album cover? Why did Paul McCartney use a RAM on his album cover?
Paul McCartney's 1971 album cover, RAM
Goat of Mendes -Origin of the Satanic Hand Sign?
BOTH symbols are utilized in today's Satanism, occult, and witchcraft circles. The Church of Satan uses the goat's head on their main webpage. The pentagram image is inherent to BOTH the goat and the ram. Whether ram or goat, BOTH animals are used to depict the works of darkness. “The Goat of Mendez is the god of the witches. (Mendez is another spelling of Mendes, a city of ancient Egypt where fertility worship - Baal worship — was practiced). Masons admit readily that Baphomet is a pagan fertility god and, more importantly, that Freemasonry is a fertility cult religion. At any rate, this mockery of Jesus is a satanic symbol and figures prominently in Satan worship.”Notice below on Ozzy Osborne's album covers that he uses the RAM (curved horns). Do you really think it a coincidence the Paul McCartney placed a RAM on his album cover? Clearly, the music industry has an infatuation with Satanic symbolism. David Bowie in Rolling Stone magazine (Feb. 12, 1976), stunned the music world, when he stated:
"Music is the strongest form of magic." —Marilyn Manson
Manson admits his childhood longing for Satan: "My mom used to tell me when I was a kid, If you curse at nighttime, the devil's going to come to you when you're sleeping. I used to get excited because I really wanted it to happen . . . I wanted it. I wanted it more than anything . . ."(Rolling Stone, January, 23, 1997 p.52) Carlos Santana admits to being controlled by demons, and having NO concern for morality or God: "The energy of devils and angels is the same energy; it's how you use it. It's fuel. There is a saying: If you scare all your devils away, the angels will go away with them. You know, the halo and the horns are the same thing. I mean it's OK to be spiritually horny - that's what creative genius is all about. Geniuses don't have time to think about how it's going to be received... they don't have time to think whether people like it or not, is it morally right, will God like it?" (Carlos Santana,Rolling Stone, magazine, March 16, 2000, p. 87).Twisted Sister sings, "Burn in Hell": "Welcome to the abandoned land COME ON IN CHILD, TAKE MY HAND Here there's no work or play Only one bill to pay There's just five words to say As you go down, down, down YOU'RE GONNA BURN IN HELL!" Bon Jovi sings in "Homebound Train": "When I was just a boy THE DEVIL TOOK MY HAND Took me from my home He made me a man . . . I'm going DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN On the homebound train." In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says: ". . . I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I WOULD SELL MY SOUL." One of the most popular groups in rock history is Slayer. Slayer sing of themselves, as: "Warriors from the gates of hell . . . In lord Satan we trust." Slayer's albums sell in the millions! And song after song IS PRAISE TO SATAN! Their song "Hell Awaits" says: "Jesus knows your soul cannot be saved CRUCIFY THE SO CALLED LORD He soon shall fall to me Your souls are damned Your God has fell to slave for me eternally Hell awaits." The beginning of their song "Hell Awaits" contains an obvious backwards message. When played forward, nothing but garbled noise is heard, but when played backwards you hear the real message "JOIN US, JOIN US, JOIN US" over and over! The group Acheron, has an album titled, "The Rites of the Black Mass". On the album Peter Gilmore, of the Church of Satan, actually reads the rites of a Black Mass, as the group Acheron, in hellish growls, sings such lyrics as: "Glory to thee almighty Satan . . . We praise thee, we bless thee, WE ADORE THEE . . . THOU ART LORD, THOU ALONE, OH MIGHTY SATAN." The group Manowar, sings in "The Bridge of Death": "Dark Lord, I summon thee Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell . . . Take My lustful soul Drink my blood as I drink yours . . . LUCIFER IS KING PRAISE SATAN!" The group Morbid Angel, sings in "Vengeance in Mine": "Mote it be Satan's sword I have become . . . I burn with hate TO RID THE WORLD OF THE NAZARENE!" And to commit the ultimate blasphemy they sing in the song "Blasphemy": "Chant the blasphemy Mockery of the Messiah WE CURSE THE HOLY GHOST . . . Blaspheme the Ghost BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY GHOST." Trey Azagthoh of Morbid Angel claims to be a REAL vampire, and while playing onstage he actually bites himself and then drinks his own blood! On the inside of the album cover, looking down on the festivities, is Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan in 1966 and author of the Satanic Bible in 1969! People say, the Eagles aren't serious, they're just selling records. That's what you think! The Eagles' manager, Larry Salter, admitted in the Waco Tribune-Herald, (Feb. 28, 1982) that the Eagles were involved with the Church of Satan! Not surprisingly, one of the Eagles' songs is titled “Have A Good Day in Hell.” The photo to the right is Anton LaVey. Here are some of the demonic lyrics from the song, Hotel California... Mirrors on the ceiling,I've heard some pretty lame explanations of what these lyrics mean. Anyone who is familiar with the Bible knows that the Beast is the coming Antichrist (Revelation 20:10). Witchcraft lyrics are deliberately written in short incomplete phrases, to convey ideas without detection. Elton John collaborated with Bernie Taupin, a witch, to incorporate witchcraft lyrics into all his earlier music. Even The Beach Boys were admittedly practicing witchcraft and trying to create witchcraft music back in the 1960's. There is MUCH witchcraft lyrics in secular music, dark sayings, which convey unholy ideas into the listener's mind. Satan sells!!! Walt Disney's so-called “wholesome” 3 member boy band from New Jersey, The Jonas Brothers, sing praises to Satan when their song KIDS OF THE FUTURE is played backwards. Backward masking is a confirmed, proven, and very present danger in much Rock music. It was a technique introduced by Satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947), who often spoke BACKWARDS as part of Satan-worship. Doing things BACKWARDS is a common Satanic practice, taught by Satanist Aleister Crowley. Crowley gives instructions to the Satanist: One of the first signs of Satanic influence is things being done backwards! This explains why Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] singer Michael W. Smith has his name BACKWARDS on his album, THE BIG PICTURE. Michael W. Smith is of the Devil, appealing to all religious denominations because his lyrics are so lame, wishy-washy, and lacking any doctrinal integrity. The group Kiss leaped on stage as Rock 'n Roll demons... puking blood, breathing fire and screaming... “God of rock 'n roll, we'll steal your virgin soul.” In their song “God of Thunder,” they command young people to kneel before Satan: “I'm lord of the wasteland, a modern day man of steel I gather darkness to please me and I COMMAND YOU TO KNEEL Before, The God of thunder, the god of rock 'n roll I'LL STEAL YOUR VIRGIN SOUL!” One of the most popular groups in rock is AC/DC. In the song, “Hells Bells,” they sing: “I got my bell I'm gonna take you to hell I'm gonna get Ya SATAN GET YA” Their song "Highway to Hell" they sing: "Ain't nothing I would rather do GOIN' DOWN, PARTY TIME My friends are gonna be there too . . . Hey Satan, paid my dues . . . I'm on the way to the promised land I'm on the HIGHWAY TO HELL." The group Suicidal Tendencies, whose songs glorify suicide and have been linked to teen suicides, reveal a frightening truth in the song "Possessed": "I'M A PRISONER OF A DEMON . . . It stays with me wherever I go I can't break away from its hold This must be my punishment FOR SELLING MY SOUL!" Pink Floyd sings, in the song "Sheep", "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . . With bright knives he RELEASETH MY SOUL He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places . . . For lo, he hath great power and GREAT HUNGER." Their song, "Lucifer Sam", they sing: "LUCIFER Sam . . . Always sitting by your side Always by your side." The song "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, is the official anthem for the Church of Satan. In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks sympathy for all who meet him. Lead singer, Mick Jagger claims that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, help inspire their music! Their album titled, "Their Satanic Majesties Request", leaves no doubt to their allegiance! The group Venom reveal the real reason for their music, as they sing: "We're not here to entertain you . . . I PREACH THE WAYS OF SATAN Answer to his calls!" In their song "Possessed", they sing: "I am possessed by all that is evil The death of your God, I demand . . . AND SIT AT LORD SATAN'S LEFT HAND!" What do you think this music is doing? According to the book, Satanism in America, which is endorsed by the National Criminal Justice Task Force on Occult Related Ritualistic Crimes, hard-core Satanism is "the fastest-growing subculture among America's TEENS." Studies taken by the Georgia Police Academy revealed that 90% of those involved in Satanism are TEENAGERS! Television personality, Geraldo Rivera, who explored the terrifying rise of Satanism said, "It exists AND IT'S FLOURISHING. IT IS TEENAGERS who are most likely to fall under the spell of Satanism." How serious are they? At the 1992 MTV Awards, the group Red Hot Chili Peppers, upon receiving their award and giving thanks, said: "FIRST OF ALL we want to thank Satan . . ." As shocking and amazing as this all is, many people still defend Rock 'N' Roll music. Even professed Christians attempt to defend their so-called Christian Rock. All Rock music is demonic. It's the music itself as Michael Jackson admitted in the quotes I just presented to you. In the case of Michael Jackson's music, it is sensual and highly addictive to the flesh (i.e., body). Hard Rock is addictive to the nervous system and every Rock addict understands the urgent crave for Rock's thundering power chords, mastered by bands like AC/DC, Van Halen and Iron Maiden. Oh listen friend, Satan wants to sift you as wheat just as Jesus warned the Apostle Peter. Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy your life (John 10:10). And he will if you let him! People who listen to Rock 'N' Roll don't even realize that they're being influenced by the music. Where did the world's culture of sexual immorality come from? It came from Rock 'N' Roll. As a consequence of such unholy, reckless and irresponsibly living which Rock music produces, abortion has become commonplace. Proper courtship is a thing of the past. Fornication, nudity and lewd behavior are prevalent all over! Carlos Santana has his own personal demonic god, Metatron. Here is a disturbing excerpt from Rolling Stone magazine... "Metatron is an angel. Santana has been in regular contact with him since 1994. Carlos will sit here facing the wall, the candles lit. He has a yellow legal pad at one side, ready for the communications that will come. 'It's kind of like a fax machine,' he says."By his own words, Santana admits to having communications with a demon named Metatron. This is unbelievable! The more I research the history of rock-n-roll, the more I am shocked as to just how Satanic the whole industry is. Few people would think of the Beach Boys as being involved with witchcraft, but as you will learn in this article, they certainly were: "We were doing witchcraft, trying to make witchcraft music." —Brian Wilson quoted in Nick Kent's The Dark Stuff (pg.27.)THE BEATLES are the top selling band in history, selling over 170 million albums.[1] The cover of Sgt. Pepper's (pictured below) showed the Beatles with a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was—the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was—but the Beatles certainly did.
" (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was — the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was — but the Beatles certainly did. Crowley’s photo appeared on the Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper album cover (upper left hand corner). The Beatles testified that the characters who appeared on the album were their “heroes.” Adolph Hitler was to be on the album but Lennon took it off at the last minute. John Lennon explained to Playboy magazine that “the whole Beatle idea was to do what you want … do what thou wilst, as long as it doesn’t hurt somebody” (Lennon, cited by David Sheff, The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, p. 61). This was precisely what Crowley taught. Other people who embraced the teachings of Crowley: Ozzy Osbourne called Crowley “a phenomenon of his time” (Circus, Aug. 26, 1980, p. 26). Ozzy even had a song called “Mr. Crowley.” “You fooled all the people with magic/ You waited on Satan's call / … Mr. Crowley, won't you ride my white horse…” On the back cover of the Doors 13 album, Jim Morrison and the other members of the Doors are shown posing with a bust of Aleister Crowley. David Bowie referred to Crowley in his song “Quicksand” from the album “The Man Who Sold the World.” Graham Bond thought he was Crowley’s illegitimate son and recorded albums of satanic rituals with his band Holy Magick. Iron Maiden lead singer Bruce Dickinson said: “… we’ve referred to things like the tarot and ideas of people like Aleister Crowley” (Circus, Aug. 31, 1984). Their song “The Number of the Beast” said, “666, the number of the beast/ 666, the one for you and me.” Crowley was called the Beast. Daryl Hall of the rock duo Hall and Oates admits that he follows Crowley. “I became fascinated with Aleister Crowley, the nineteenth-century British magician who shared those beliefs. … I was fascinated by him because his personality was the late-nineteenth-century equivalent of mine—a person brought up in a conventionally religious family who did everything he could to outrage the people around him as well as himself” (Rock Lives: Profiles and Interviews, p. 584). Hall owns a signed and numbered copy of Crowley’s “The Book of Thoth” (about an Egyptian god). Sting, formerly of the Police, has spent many hours studying Crowley’s writings. Stiv Bators, lead singer for The Dead Boys and Lords of the New Church, had a song titled “Do What Thou Wilt/ This Is the Law,” after the philosophy of Satanist Aleister Crowley. In another song Bators sang: “I heard the Devil curse/ I recognized my name.” LSD guru Timothy Leary was a Crowley enthusiast. He said: “I’ve been an admirer of Aleister Crowley. I think that I’m carrying on much of the work that he started over a hundred years ago … He was in favor of finding yourself, and ‘Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’ under love. It was a very powerful statement. I’m sorry he isn’t around now to appreciate the glories he started” The Marilyn Manson song “Misery Machine” contains the lyrics, “We’re gonna ride to the abbey of Thelema.” The Abbey of Thelema was the temple of Satanist Aleister Crowley. If ever there was a God-hating degenerate, it was Aleister Crowley ... FDR was so impressed with the teachings of Crowley he put an image Crowley designed on the back of the dollar bill. The Eye in the triangle now on the one dollar bill was created by Crowley.It is the eye of Horus (a demon) looking through the pyramid signifying a day when we are all watched by big brother under the New World Order.
The Marilyn Manson song “Misery Machine” contains the lyrics, “We’re gonna ride to the abbey of Thelema.” The Abbey of Thelema was the temple of Satanist Aleister Crowley.
This clearly reveals the apostate condition of the world today, and why immorality, feminism, and divorce are skyrocketing. The term “Scum of the Earth” would be very appropriate to describe the members of the Dixie Chicks band. The photo to the right of the trio bursting from a zipper is from the liner notes to their 1999 Fly CD. It is clear that Emily Robison, Martie Maguire and Natalie Maines have sold their souls to Satan for worldly fame and fortune. The trio is known for speaking irreverently about God, parents, and church. They ought to called “The Devilish Chicks.”
The Rock 'N' Roll band, THE KILLERS, features a ram on their album cover with a nude woman. The Rock-N-Roll industry is absolutely saturated with Satanism and the occult. And the biggest common denominator is sexual sins. Did you ever notice that Wiccan witches never expose Satanism, and Satanists never expose the New Age movement, and New Agers never expose the occult? The reason why is all too obvious; they're all working for the same master—SATAN!
The Word of God teaches that the wicked will one day be judged by their works . . .
What many people don't realize is that Elton John's music is saturated with witchcraft language. Many of Elton John's top songs weren't written by himself; BUT, rather, by his long-time music partner and lyricist, Bernie Taupin. Not surprisingly, in 1991, Bernie Taupin self-published a book of poems called The Devil at High Noon.
Like so many artists who have sold their souls for rock and roll, Elton John has been immersed in Satanism. In fact, Bernie Taupin who has lived with Elton John and wrote most of his lyrics, stated that Elton John’s “home is laden with trinkets and books relating to Satanism and witchcraft” (US, July 22, 1980, p. 42). Taupin like Elton John, with whom he collaborates, is also into Satanism. Taupin admits that he decorates his walls with“satanic art” and has further declared that, “the occult fascinates me” (People, June 23, 1980).
Many artists like Elton John and Bernie Taupin recognize the Devil's hand in their success and realize that their fans do not have a clue that much of their inspiration is the result of demonic beings that use them as puppets to deceive the public. Elton John has admitted that he is deceiving his fans, “Its all a big con,” and adds, “But as long as the public laps it up, I’m quite happy to go on giving it to them.” (Rolling Stone, July 15, 1976, p. 30).
Like all those who rebel against a relationship with the Lord, Elton John lives a lifestyle that is doomed and headed toward destruction. John has stated, “In most artist there’s a self destructive streak. Drugs, sex and doomed liaisons were my form of destruction.” Besides his sexually perverse lifestyle Elton John has been known for his temper tantrums and deep depression. Elton John has had multiple sex partners,“I would walk into a club a see someone I hadn’t even met and I would already have them on the conveyor belt,” declared John,“They’d come out with a Vercase shirt and a Cartier watch at the other end.” Elton John's real problem is with God.
After all of John’s worldly success he has not found the true happiness that can only be found through a relationship with the Savior Jesus Christ. John has stated, “One thing that depresses me is that there are so many successful people that are [expletive) miserable with it.”Elton John has sought to fill the depressed, Christless void in his heart to no avail with sexual perversion and materialism. John’s sexually perverse influence on the masses is taught by example, through songs as well as in interviews. He has stated:
“There’s nothing wrong with going to bed with someone of your own sex. I just think people should be very free with sex…They should draw the line at goats” (Rolling Stone, October 7, 1976, p. 17)
One simply go no further than a simple web search to discover that Mercury was openly bisexual. It is not surprising that Mr. Bulsara died because of AIDS. Queen's music is idolized today by the homosexual community, with such hits as "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy."
Freddie Mercury spent weeks planning his own funeral, but failed to prepare his soul to meet God. The Word of God plainly teaches that ONLY through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can anyone go to Heaven. Freddie Mercury placed in faith in false religion, Zoroastrianism, and NOT upon Jesus Christ.
I had a lovely brunch with Jesus Christ,
Harvey Danger is of the Devil. The entire Rock music industry is saturated with a hatred for Jesus Christ, the Bible and Christianity. It's ironic that an unsaved band like Harvey Danger knows that the King James Bible is God's Word, which is why they attack It; while many churchgoers today can't figure out which Bible is correct.
People who would normally be offended by someone praising "Hare Krishna my sweet Lord," were caught off guard by the way the song was arranged. The listener would follow along with the words "Hallelujah, my sweet Lord" several times before it subtly changed to "Hare Krishna, my sweet Lord." By that time the listener had already been mesmerized by the music and the song. George Harrison was an imposter who rejected Jesus Christ, and is burning in the fires of Hell today because of his sin of unbelief. I say this with sadness. 2nd Peter 3:9 declares that "God is not willing for any to perish" in their sins.
“But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee...” —Luke 12:20
Bon Scott recorded six studio albums with AC/DC, beginning with 1974's "High Voltage." It was shortly after the release of the somewhat foreshadowing sixth album, 1979's "Highway to Hell," that Scott died (February 19, 1980). In keeping with his rowdy persona, the official coroner's report stated that Scott had drank himself to death. "Highway to Hell" sold over a million copies during its initial run (it has sold seven million to date) and climbed to place at No. 17 on the Billboard 200 Album Chart.
Scott epitomized the role of a God-hating rebel who abused drugs and indulged in sinful living. His death is just one of hundreds in the Rock 'N' Roll Hall of Shame. Scott was found dead in his car after an indulgent binge left his body lifeless and his soul at the reality of the "Highway to Hell" which Bon Scott recorded just months prior to his tragic death. Scott had been taking medication for liver damage prior to his death.1
Katy Perry (born Katheryn Hudson in October 25, 1984) is an American singer-writer, actress, homosexual advocate, and fool. She is most notable for her singles, "UR So Gay" (released in 2007), and "I Kissed a Girl" (which was released in 2008 by Capitol Records). This is so sickening! She gained more recognition as Madonna mentioned Perry's song "UR So Gay" on 104.7 KISS FM's John Jay and Rich Morning Show in Phoenix, Arizona, stating that "UR So Gay" was her "favorite song right now." Why am I not surprised?
Katy Perry actually released a Gospel album back in 2001, under the name Katy Hudson. Now she's promoting lesbianism. Katy Perry is a disgrace to her parents and Christianity. Certainly, Katy Perry is not honoring her parents as the Bible commands, when she sings songs promoting lesbianism. Is this honoring to Jesus Christ? No, absolutely not! Homosexuality is an abomination to God (i.e., a disgusting sin). Kate Perry is a friend of the sinful world... "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." Katy Perry is God's enemy!
Kurt Cobain was a devout Satan-worshipper and enemy of God. Cobain, like other Satanists, enjoyed desecrating churches. Cobain, with his bass player Chris Novoselic, spray-painted “GOD IS GAY” on a church building (Christopher Sandford, Kurt Cobain, Carroll & Graff Publishers, Inc., New York, 1997, pp. 57, 165). Cobain, according to Rolling Stone, would also spray-paint “HOMOSEXUAL SEX RULES” on a bank. Rolling Stone further reported that other favorite graffiti included “GOD IS GAY” and “ABORT CHRIST” (Rolling Stone, Inside the Heart & Mind of Nirvana, by Michael Azerrad, April 16, 1992). Beyond spray-painting blasphemous statements about God on a church, Cobain would take song lyrics he was dissatisfied with and set them on “fire and leave [them] burning on the porch of the Open Bible Church” (op. cit. Cobain, Sandford, p.68).
Led Zeppelin also introduced personal occult symbols on one of their albums. Guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as “The Beast 666.” Aleister Crowley was also a 33rd and 97th Degree Freemason and is recognized as the master Satanist of the 20th century. In 1971, guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley’s Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his Hellish, Satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices. Guitarist Jimmy Page actually performed Crowley magical rituals during their concerts.
Page had inscribed in the vinyl of their album Led Zeppelin III, Crowley's famous “Do what thou wilt. So mete it Be.” Page and Robert Plant claim some of Zeppelins' songs came via occultic “automatic handwriting,” including their popular “Stairway to Heaven.” There is no doubt to the occult influence of Led Zeppelin. For a very through, extensively documented history of Zeppelin’s occult inspiration read the 648 page book titled, Fallen Angel: The Untold Story of Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin by Thomas Friend.
As further evidence of the wickedness and apostasy of our day, a worldwide séance was held in April of 2006 to summons late Beatle's member, John Lennon, from the dead. John Lennon, in his book, A Spaniard in the Works, portrays Jesus Christ as, "Jesus El Pifico, a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard catholic Spaniard" (A Spaniard in the Works, p.14).
Rock stars are ministers of Satan, who lead young people into a lifestyle of immoral sex, substance abuse, and rebellion.
In her song, BEAUTIFUL STRANGER, Madonna openly worships Satan. Madonna has led millions of innocent girls into a lifestyle of sexual immorality and rebellion against the God of the Bible. If there's one person in this world who is far from being “a virgin,” it is Madonna.
Music is a powerful spiritual medium through which Satan influences people.
Mr. Warner has understandably received much flak from the Columbine Shootings. Although the parents are ultimately to blame for the Columbine shootings, Warner is unrealistic to wonder why parents blame him when he goes around singing about murdering people. No responsible parent would allow their child to come and go as they please, listen to Satanists like Marilyn Manson and do as they wish. Teenagers need rules and restrictions to know they are loved and cared about (Proverb 29:15). Trust is not a right, it's something that must be earned. Parents need to know where their child is at and what they're doing as much as possible.
Here's Marilyn Manson's ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR album, where the band members are drinking his urine through tubes connected to his crotch. This is sold in all the music stores. Yet, Michael Marcavage was arrested and found guilty in court for preaching against abortion at the Liberty Bell.
Madman Marilyn Manson is a disgrace and a major threat to every family. Manson's music is not art, and it's certainly not any recognizable form of legitimate music. It is trash, sewage oozing from the sewer, where Manson's type live. Manson brags that he is going to Hell in his music, and that is tragic! The question is: Are you going to follow him?
Michael Jackson lived for the Devil, using his God-given talent to glorify sinful living, which he indulged in himself until it killed him. 1st John 5:19 tells us that “the whole world lieth in wickedness.” This world is saturated with sinful pride, idolatry and lust. The sinful world knows not the God of the Bible and is hostile to the cause of Christ. Arguably, Jackson was the world's greatest entertainer and admired by many. Sadly, he died of a drug overdose in June of 2009.
John 3:20, "For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved." The world will tolerate any religion except Biblical Christianity. Late night show comedians, actors and other celebrities can blaspheme the holy name of Jesus all they want without outcry from the public; but people go bananas if anyone dare slander Allah, Buddha, Confucius, Gandhi, Muhammad or various other falsehoods.
The New World Order is upon us, which is the Beast System of the coming Antichrist. The New Age doctrines of this New Order allow for belief in any deity except the one and only true God, Jesus Christ, Who walked this earth as the Godhead incarnate (in the flesh). Jesus is Almighty God (John 1:1-3,14; 10:33; 14:1; 1st Timothy 3:16; Colossians 2:9; Revelation 1:8. Note: All Scripture references are to the King James Bible).
In 2006, Neko Case, on her album Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, in the song, HOLD ON! HOLD ON!, she states...
“Now it's the Devil I love.”
Her band's name, The New Pornographers, speaks for itself. Rock 'N' Roll music is a religion of sexual immorality. Neko Case is a sexual degenerate herself...
"Not too long ago, Neko Case wrote an article for Girlyhead magazine about dreaming. In it, she describes her favorite dream, where her, Steve Earle, and Madonna were all playing a show in Vancouver. After the show, all three of them have a 'sex sandwich.' And the tryst ends with Madonna remarking to Neko, 'Your hair looks like a wig.' This is Neko Case’s world. It’s perfect, really." —SOURCE
Yet, hypocritically, Neko Case sings “This Little Light Of Mine” on her "The Tigers Have Spoken" album. In the song she sings, “Jesus gave me light, I'm going to let it shine...” You've got to be kidding? When asked in a Playboy interview if she would pose naked for Playboy, Neko Case said...
“Well, of course I would consider it! But I certainly need time to think about it. It would be a lot of fun...”2
Is this how you're letting your light shine for Jesus, Ms. Case, by telling others that it would be FUN to strip naked for millions of men to commit adultery with you? Jesus said in Matthew 5:28, “...whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Neko Case is an imposter, posing as a Christian; but she is a child of the Devil.
Why would you even speak of doing such an evil thing as posing in a pornographic magazine, Ms. Case? I mean, you can't sing about letting Jesus' light shine in one breath, and then say in an interview that it would be fun to pose in a lewd Playboy magazine. You can't sing about loving the Devil and then expect people to understand what you MEANT, when it's not what you SAID. Who's kidding who?
1969 marked the beginning of the evil career of Ozzy Osbourne. Osbourne formed the band Black Sabbath. The next fifteen years would witness a procession of young drugged-out rock performers, like Osbourne, each competing for the “big money” and recording contracts that came with it. The key criteria of those who would “make it” was their ability to portray decadence and evil.
Here's a section of the lyrics from Ozzy's hit song, “Suicide Solution”...
Breaking laws, Knocking doors
Although Ozzy claims that he never intended for his music to cause anyone to commit suicide, the statistics are FACTS. In October 1984, a nineteen-year-old teenager named John M. shot himself in the head, while listening to Ozzy Osbourne's “Suicide Solution.” When the coroner entered the room, he found the headphones still on John's head.3 Dozens of parents have sued Ozzy Osbourne over the suicide of their children from listening to this song. Sony Music Entertainment sponsors the official Ozzy Osbourne website at, where one of the bloggers calls parents who have tried to sue Osbourne “idiots,” citing no proof that Ozzy's music influenced those victims to commit suicide.
However, psychological studies have proven that emotionally vulnerable teenagers are at a higher risk of committing suicide from listening to music like Ozzy's.4 In other words, most people can handle it, but some can't. If a teenager is having a difficult time adjusting to life, Ozzy's music is going to put harmful ideas into their head. Unquestionably, apathetic parents are mostly to blame; but Ozzy is also responsible in my opinion. Ozzy's music is like handing a loaded gun to a person who is suicidal. The music itself is a medium through which demons enter into one's mind and soul. Even Ozzy admits Satan's influence upon him...
Few people realize (or care to realize) that the Rolling Stones are of the Devil. Rock-n-roll music is absolutely saturated with Satanism and the occult. The song "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, is the official anthem for the Church of Satan.
In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks sympathy for all who meet him. Lead singer, Mick Jagger claims that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, helped inspire their music! Their album titled, "Their Satanic Majesties Request," leaves no doubt to their allegiance!
There is a preponderance of blasphemy in the Rock 'N' Roll culture against Jesus, the Bible and everything that is good and holy. Infamous Satanist and frontman for BLACK SABBATH, Ronnie James Dio, perished on May 16, 2010 in Switzerland. His real name was Ronald James Padavona (1942-2010). He died at age 67 of stomach cancer. Dio is infamous for his 1975 hit song, MAN ON THE SILVER MOUNTAIN, which mocked the authority of God. Dio popularized the Devil horned hand-sign which is seen everywhere today by followers of the Devil. The hand sign represents a goat or ram, which are a mockery of the Lamb of God.
Here are some of the blasphemous lyrics from SLAYER'S demonic song, JESUS SAVES . . .
This is total mockery of the Lamb of God by SLAYER. They are evil to the core.
Wicca is a demonic religion that denies that Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God (1st John 2:22). Wicca does not take into account the term sin. This is also true of modern psychology. Instead, Wiccans believe in a sort of Karma, i.e., that one's actions will come back sevenfold in a next life; but Wiccans deny the Biblical teaching of SIN. The Bible teaches that mankind has broken GOD'S LAWS. That's what sin is, the violating of God's holy Law! Without the knowledge of sin there can be no salvation, for what need is there for a Savior if we are not hell-deserving sinners?
Wiccan witches deny the existence of a Devil, or Satan. The person of Satan comes right out of the pages of God's Word. Since Wiccans do not believe the Bible, they do not believe in Satan. Instead, Wiccans recognize Pagan gods such as Pan, the world's most notorious sexual predator (who undeniably represents Satan in Satanism and the occult). This is where the image of the Devil having horns atop his head came from, Pan. Witches have their pick of hundreds of Pagan gods to choose from to worship, including Pan.5
Wicca is distinctively different, and yet inseparably associated with the occult and Satanism. They all have several things in common—including permissive sexual immorality, New Age philosophies, an admiration and respect for Aleister Crowley, tolerance of other religions, ritualized worship and the utilization of Pentagrams. From a Biblical perspective, there's not a dime's difference between these groups, they all serve one master—Satan. Wiccans get upset when Christians accuse them of worshipping Satan, but 2nd Corinthians 11:14 tells us the truth,“Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Biblically, Satan appears in deceptive forms to people, so that they will follow him instead of Jesus Christ.
At the website,, witches are taught to invoke the light of the divine. This “light” that witches, occultists and Freemasons pursue is Lucifer, the god of light. Albert Pike (1809-1892), considered by many to be the most influential figure in Freemasonry history, predicted 3-world Wars. He's been 100% correct so far! It's not hard to grasp when you realize that the Illuminati (i.e., elite Freemasons, occultists, priests, International Banksters, et cetera) have started, funded and nurtured every major war since the Revolutionary War.6 Pike was an occult insider with privileged information, as was Nostradamus and other like him.
Albert Pike divulged the true demonic nature of Freemasonry in his writings . . .
The Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine. . . Yes, Lucifer is God, and unfortunately Adonay (Jesus) is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the brake to the locomotive. . ."The doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay (Jesus); but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good, is struggling for humanity against Adonay, the God of darkness and evil."
The “light” which occultists, spiritists, psychics, witches, New Agers and Freemasons seek is Lucifer; and not the true Light of God's Word and Jesus Christ. Witchcraft is of the Devil. Harry Potter has caused a massive interest in witchcraft around the world, and sadly, many teenagers are becoming witches.7
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison's (now age 63) is still a practicing high-priestess witch, what she prefers to call a “Celtic Pagan.”8 Her childhood home was right between the Amityville Horror House and Ray Buckland's Coven. It was the first modern Witch's Coven outside of England.
The Village of Amityville is located in the Town of Babylon, and there was a claim she had precognition which is the ability to foretell the future. She was an early Wiccan and also lived near Ray Buckland who started modern Wicca in America and created the country's first Coven.
“Jim Morrison met Patricia Kennealy in January 1969, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. A tall, attractive redhead, Patricia was then the editor of Jazz & Pop, an influential rock trade magazine. In June 1970, Jim and Patricia were married in a Celtic Pagan handfasting ceremony (this info is straight from Patricia herself, this event has been disputed by others who knew Jim).” —SOURCE
Patricia Kennealy married Jim Morrison in a witch hand-fasting ceremony. In the witch marriage ceremony blood was spilled and a knife was used. Mrs. Morrison said, “there were ceremonial cuts upon himself in the handfasting” (Page 383, Strange Days). In this pagan, some say demonic, ceremony they used a dagger to cut themselves. In Mrs. Morrison's words, I make two tiny cuts on the inside of my left wrist, carefully over the bone; we don't want to slice any arteries here, and “blood wells up immediately” (Page 172). Her and Jim Morrison then mix their blood (Page173).
She is most well known for her portrayal in the movie “The Doors” by Oliver Stone where she is portrayed, in the word of Patricia Kennealy-Morrison herself... “they cut each other's wrists and drink some blood” and “its what real witches do” (Page 379, Strange Days). She furthermore said that there was “an accusation that she killed Jim by witchcraft” in Morrison biographies (Page 403, Strange Days). In the movie she said to Jim Morrison, “F**k Me, Rock God!”
In an Interview with Raymond H. Thompson in 1988, Kennealy states..
On-and-on I could go with details of the wickedness of Rock 'N' Roll.
It's not just the Rock music industry, but also the entire music industry. The powers that be have Willie Nelson promoting homosexuality and Dolly Parton singing Led Zeppelin's demonic STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN and Johnny Cash singing Satanist Glen Danzig's demonic song, THIRTEEN.
One of Danzig's song is “Serpent Jesus, Snakes of Christ.” On the inside of their album, “Danzig II - Lucifuge,” Glenn Danzig is wearing the demonic upside-down cross, with the words of John 8:44 brazenly above him, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” One of Danzig's other logos is a Satanic Pentagram. Why would Johnny Cash, a man known for singing Gospel music, lower himself to such a wicked level, selling his soul, to the level of a blasphemer? The industry is saturated with Satanism.
I'll tell you why? 1st Timothy 6:10 tells us why... “For the love of money is the root of all evil.”
Venom in "Possessed’Look at me, Satan's child, Born of evil thus defiled, Brought to life through satanic birth, Raised in hell, to live on earth. . . I am possessed by all that is evil/The death of your God, I demand . . . AND SIT AT LORD SATAN'S LEFT HAND!"
AC/DC In "Hells Bells""my lightnings' flashin across the sky, you're only young but you're gonna die, I won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives/ nobody's puttin up a fight/ I got my bell/ I'm gonna take you to hell/ I'm gonna get ya/SATAN GET YA"
Black Sabbath in N.I.B. (Nativity In Black) "Some people say MY LOVE cannot be true/ please believe me, MY LOVE, and I'll show you/ I will give you those things you thought unreal . . . YOUR LOVE FOR ME has just got to be real . . . our love grows stronger now with every hour, Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am/ MY NAME IS LUCIFER, PLEASE TAKE MY HAND!"
Black Sabbath in "Who are You?" (During Ozzy’s years) . . . You think all the people
who worship you are blind. . . Giving us your trust And when you have played enough You'll just cast our souls Into the dust. . . In the name of hell Who are you?
Kat in ‘Satan Says’"Hi, boys and girls!/ We're going to play a game called Satan says! Now listen to me! You know how to play Satan says, don't you? We're going to do everything that Satan says, Right?? If we don't, well, . . . We don't want to find out what will happen, Do we? . . Satan says, Follow me!/ SATAN SAYS, GO TO HELL!"
The Eagles in ‘Hotel California’"And in the master's chambers, They are gathered for the feast, They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't kill the beast."
(Inside the album, looking down on the festivities, is Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible!
Megadeth in ‘The Conjuring’
the REAL mission of rock is clearly heard: "I AM THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE/ A SALESMAN, if you will . . .Come join me in my INFERNAL DEPTHS!" (At the end of the song ~ they chant "OBEY")
Metallica in ‘Jump In the Fire’
"Follow me now my child . . . DO JUST AS I SAY. . . Now it is time for your fate and I won't hesitate, to pull you down into this pit . . . So come.
Iron Maiden in ‘The Clairvoyant’I wonder why, I wonder how
That it seems that the power’s getting stronger Every day I feel a strength, an inner fire But I’m scared I won’t be able to control it anymore
Pink Floyd in ‘Sheep’
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . . With bright knives he releaseth my soul/ He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places . . . For lo, he hath great power and great hunger."
Pink Floyd in "Sheep" "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . . With bright knives he RELEASETH MY SOUL/ He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places . . . For lo, he hath great power and GREAT HUNGER."
AC/DC In "Highway to Hell" "Ain't nothing I would rather do/ GOIN' DOWN, PARTY TIME/ My friends are gonna be there too . . . Hey Satan, paid my dues . . . I'm on the way to the promised land/ I'm on the HIGHWAY TO HELL."
Motley Crue in ‘Wild Side’
"I carry my crucifix, under my deathlist/ forward my mail to me in hell . . . OUR FATHER, WHO AIN'T IN HEAVEN/ Be thy name on the wild side."
Bow Wow Wow in ‘Prince of Darkness’"So open the door and LET SATAN IN, The Prince of Darkness."
Kiss In ‘God of Thunder’"I'm lord of the wasteland, a modern day man of steel/ I gather darkness to please me/ and I COMMAND YOU TO KNEEL/ Before The/ God of thunder, and rock 'n roll/ The spell you're under/ Gonna rob you of your virgin soul!"
Manowar in "The Bridge of Death": "Dark Lord, I summon thee
demanding the sacred right to burn in hell . . . take My lustful soul Drink my blood as I drink yours . . . LUCIFER IS KING PRAISE SATAN!"
Bon Jovi in ‘Homebound Train’ "When I was just a boy/ THE DEVIL TOOK MY HAND/ Took me from my home/ He made me a man . . . I'm going DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN/ On the homebound train."
Twisted Sister in ‘Burn in Hell’"Welcome to the abandoned land/ COME ON IN CHILD, TAKE MY HAND/ Here there's no work or play/ Only one bill to pay/ There's just five words to say/ As you go down, down, down/ YOU'RE GONNA BURN IN HELL!"
Metallica in "The Prince" "Angel from below . . . I WISH TO SELL MY SOUL . . . DEVIL TAKE MY SOUL/with diamonds you repay/ I don't care for heaven/ so don't you look for me to cry/ AND I WILL BURN IN HELL
Acheron's song 666 from ‘Hail Victory’Feel a surge pierce your soul,
Try and grasp what Christ stole Take the mark from styx [styx is the river of hell] The symbol is six, six, six.
W.A.S.P. (We Are Sex Perverts) "Sleeping in the Fire":
"Taste the love, the Lucifer's magic that makes you numb/ You feel what it does and you're drunk on love/ you're sleeping in the fire!"
Exodus ‘A Lesson In Violence’If You Got Something To Say
Then Come My Way I'm Guarded By Satan I'm Riding On Baphomet I'll Teach You A Lesson In Violence You Won't Soon Forget
Ozzy Osbourne, is infamous for biting the head off a live dove (and a bat), dressing up like a woman, substance abuse, desecrating the Alamo in Texas by urinating on it, blaspheming Jesus Christ repeatedly, et cetera. Every one of Ozzy's album covers from the year 2000 until present feature Pan on the album cover...
A girl with no pants on in front of 3-crosses? This is the sick mind of Ozzy Osbourne! Yet, millions idolize Ozzy and have made him filthy rich from buying his works of darkness. The world's people are mentally-ill to support such bizarre, demonic and crazy entertainers. As another tribute to the perverted Pagan god of Pan, the movie Pan's Labyrinth has become extremely popular, even being recommend by Christianity Today and receiving 4-stars from them, go figure. They should rename their organization to ApostasyToday! It doesn't come as a surprise that apostate Billy Graham is the founder of Christianity Today.
As a solo artist, Osbourne has sold more than 35 million records worldwide, bringing his cumulative sales to more than 60 million albums. Osbourne was visible on the smash MTV series “The Osbournes,” a melding of reality show, soap opera, and sitcom that follows the lives of Ozzy and his family. It became one of the highest rated original program in MTV's history.[2]
Photo above: Album cover for the Rock 'N' Roll band, KORN, who have sold over 35,000,000 albums worldwide.[1] This just shows how evil this world has become! Notice the shadow of the child hanging!
Infamous Satanist, bisexual and drug-addict, Aleister Crowley, is revered by Rock singers and bands. Ozzy Osbourne produced a tribute song in 1980 called Mr. Crowley, honoring Aleister Crowley. Crowley and the founder of Wicca Witchcraft, Gerald Gardner, were close personal friends. [2]
Jimmy Page , Guitarist of Led Zeppelin, bought Crowley's castle after he died
Aleister Crowley is probably the Black Magician who is the most popular foreground figure in Hollywood and the Music Industry today. He is considered being the one who “invented” backward messages on music recordings (used by The Beatles, Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones to name a few). A great percentage of the rock/rap/hip hop musicians of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s are highly influenced by this occult, black magician. And sadly enough, it is often not even by their own choice – the satanic influence is something that is programmed into the artist’s mind by the “Illuminati” to serve a specific goal. You will learn more about this as go along. Now, let me introduce the most popular black magician (together with L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology) of today. Crowley has had a significant influence on the young people’s minds from the 50’s up to this date ...
Wes Penre, 1998 Though shocking, this type of behavior should come as no surprise when we consider that the group's founder is one of the leading occultists of the rock generation. Jimmy Page's fascination with black magic is so intense, he owns and operates The Equinox, one of the largest occult bookstores in England. (Creem Magazine, November, 1979) And his devotion to this man is nothing short of religious. Aleister Crowley was one of the most infamous satanists of our modern age. During the first half of this century, he developed a system of magic that combined the elements of a rock idol's dream sex, drugs, ritual, and special knowledge that granted the practitioner a measure of power. Billed as the “Wickedest Man in the World,” Crowley claimed the title “The Great Beast - 666.” (The Aleister Crowley Scrapbook, (Samuel Weiser, Inc. 1988), Sandy Robertson) When Kenneth Anger, himself a Crowley enthusiast, approached Page about writing the music for Lucifer Rising, he found, in Steven Davis' words, "a priceless collection of Crowley artifacts books, first editions, manuscripts, hats, canes, paintings, even the robes in which Crowley had conducted rituals." (Hammer of the Gods, p. 168) Most incredible of all, Page purchased Boleskine, Crowley's old home on the shores of the famous Loch Ness in Scotland. (Hammer of the Gods, p.123; Led Zep Special, (Modern Day Periodicals, Inc., 1980), p. 46) Later Page had the demonic power associated with the house accentuated by having it redecorated by Charles Pierce, a renown Satanist. Within the next few years one of Boleskine's caretakers committed suicide, another went insane. (Hammer of the Gods, p. 291) Crowley's enchantment extends well beyond Led Zeppelin. Graham Bond, a rock pioneer whose bands provided the first break for some of rock's biggest artists, actually thought he was Crowley's illegitimate son. One of his later bands was entitled "Aleister Crowley's Holy Magic" producing music that would in his words "help the listener contact the higher forces." For Bond it must have worked, he became mentally ill and later died amidst mysterious circumstances. (The Aleister Crowley Scrapbook, p. 117) David Bowie's 1971 album “Hunky Dory” featured “Quicksand,” a song about Crowley's cult that included the line "immersed in Crowley's uniform of imagery." By 1975 biographer Henry Edwards described Bowie as having done just that as he became obsessed with Crowleyan rituals and mantras, stored his urine in the refrigerator ala “The Beast's” advice, and finally looked to witches and exorcism rites to deliver him from the evil spirits he felt controlled his life. (Stardust The David Bowie Story, (McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1986), Henry Edwards and Tony Zanetta, pp. 334, 335, 339) The Stiff Kittens feature Crowley on an album cover, as did the Beatles on what was to become, many critics believe, the most significant album in rock music history, "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band." A glance at John Lennon's bookshelves reveal that Crowley's inclusion was not a token gesture from numerology to magic, Lennon was fascinated with the occult. (Lennon's interest in the occult and “New Age” style spiritism is well documented throughout both The Lives of John Lennon and The Beatles, Second Revised Edition, (McGraw-Hill, 1985), Hunter Davies) On the back of this album, Jim Morrison and the Doors are huddled around a miniature bust of Crowley. This fascination with the occult began early for Morrison. He attributed much of the direction of his life to an incident that occurred when he was very young. Traveling with his family, he came upon an accident that had left several American Indians dead, scattered along the highway. Morrison describes what happened next: Possession by these ghosts or spirits led to a life and art obsessed with death, occult imagery, and the rejection of God.
Cancel my subscription to the resurrection. Send my credentials to the house of detention. (Strange Days, The Doors, "When the Music's Over")
Three British rock groups also bear mentioning here Psychic TV is the musical voice for "Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth", an occult sect with ties to Crowley and practically every other Satanist of note. For example, the following dedication was made at the beginning of one live album, the eleventh in a series of twenty-three.
“We'd like to dedicate this concert to Alex Sanders who died today the Full Moon of Beltane who was known as "The King of the Witches" and who was the man who made witchcraft and magic legal in Britain after a long struggle. So we'd like you to remember that. But the war goes on!” (Live at the Circus, Psychic TV, "Beltane")
Crowley's heritage also lives on in the practice of necromancy - communication with the spirits of the dead. Iron Maiden's mascot "Eddie" is purportedly a lost soul who was brought back to life by the band's music. And at least two groups were actually given their names by demon spirits. Playing with the occult tool commonly known as a Ouija board, a device, that incredibly, many view as a harmless game, four young men in an Iowa hotel room watched as the board spelled out "C-H-E-A-P T-R-I-C-K". (Washington Times, Interview by Robyn Floria) The rest, as they say, is history. And Vincent Furnier became “Alice Cooper” in exactly the same way (Circus Magazine, December 17, 1978, p. 23). Songs like “I Love the Dead” and “Cold Ethel,” which include references to necrophilia, or sex with corpses, suggests that the spirit's influence extend well beyond just providing the name for Alice's group. SOURCE:
1st Kings 21:20, “And Ahab said to Elijah, Hast thou found me, O mine enemy? And he answered, I have found thee: because thou hast sold thyself to work evil in the sight of the LORD.”
Pink Floyd sings, in the song "Sheep," "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . . With bright knives he RELEASETH MY SOUL/ He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places . . . For lo, he hath great power and GREAT HUNGER." Their song, "Lucifer Sam," they sing: "LUCIFER Sam . . . Always sitting by your side/ Always by your side."
The group Manowar, sings in "The Bridge of Death": "Dark Lord, I summon thee/ demanding the sacred right to burn in hell . . . take My lustful soul/ Drink my blood as I drink yours . . . LUCIFER IS KING/ PRAISE SATAN!"
The group Suicidal Tendencies, whose songs glorify suicide and have been linked to teen suicides, reveal a frightening truth in the song "Possessed": "I'M A PRISONER OF A DEMON . . . It stays with me wherever I go/ I can't break away from its hold/ This must be my punishment/ FOR SELLING MY SOUL!"
Motley Crue sings in "Wild Side": "I carry my crucifix, under my deathlist . . . Forward my mail to me in hell . . . OUR FATHER, WHO AIN'T IN HEAVEN . . . Be thy name on the wild side."
The group Coven, sings in "Burn the Cross": "Son of God repent your sins/ And pledge your soul to hell/ Pray that Satan will forgive/ Once your God has failed . . . YOUR GOD IS DEAD and now you die/ SATAN RULES AT LAST!" To show their burning hatred of Jesus Christ, and blaspheme His death on the cross, they sing "Christsycle": "If you're looking for a Saviour/ Then I've got the trick/ Christsycle/ SALVATION ON A STICK."
The group Acheron, has an album titled, "The Rites of the Black Mass". On the album Peter Gilmore, of the Church of Satan, actually reads the rites of a Black Mass, as the group Acheron, in hellish growls, sings such lyrics as: "Glory to thee almighty Satan . . . We praise thee, we bless thee, WE ADORE THEE . . . THOU ART LORD, THOU ALONE, OH MIGHTY SATAN."
Bon Jovi sings in "Homebound Train": "When I was just a boy/ THE DEVIL TOOK MY HAND/ Took me from my home/ He made me a man . . . I'm going DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN/ On the homebound train." In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says, " . . . I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I WOULD SELL MY SOUL."
The group Morbid Angel, sings in "Vengeance in Mine": "Mote it be Satan's sword I have become . . . I burn with hate TO RID THE WORLD OF THE NAZARENE!" And to commit the ultimate blasphemy — they sing in the song "Blasphemy": "Chant the blasphemy Mockery of the Messiah WE CURSE THE HOLY GHOST . . . Blaspheme the Ghost. BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY GHOST."
The group Black Sabbath have actually given invitations during their concerts for young people to receive Satan. One of their albums, is truthfully titled, "We Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n Roll." Their song N.I.B. (Nativity In Black) is one of the most openly satanic songs ever recorded. It is a love-song from Lucifer, in which Lucifer invites the listener to "please take my hand", the lyrics: "Some people say MY LOVE cannot be true/ please believe me, MY LOVE, and I'll show you/ I will give you those things you thought unreal . . . YOUR LOVE FOR ME has just got to be real . . . Look into my eyes, you will see who I am/ MY NAME IS LUCIFER, PLEASE TAKE MY HAND!"
In Megadeth's song, ‘The Conjuring,’ the REAL mission of rock is clearly heard: "I AM THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE/ A SALESMAN, if you will . . .Come join me in my INFERNAL DEPTHS!" (At the end of the song ~ they chant "OBEY")
Notice the above photo with a pyramid and the capstone cleverly incorporated into the scene. The mainstream music industries, whether it be Rock, Rap, Country, Blues or even CCM (Contemporary Christian Music); Satan is behind them all and you'll find occult symbols saturating all their albums, concerts, hand gestures, clothing, et cetera, all showing their allegiance to the Devil's forming New World Order. It's their way of saying, I've sold my soul to Rock 'N' Roll, or CCM, or whatever.
Do you want to know something very deep and interesting? Think about this. When the Jews were in bondage in Egypt, God sent Moses, who performed 10-plagues upon the Egyptians unto Pharaoh finally let God's people go. The 10th plague was the most dreadful, claiming the firstborn life of every child and animal in the homes that did not have a lamb's blood applied to the doorposts of the home (Exodus 12:13). That blood pictures the coming Savior, Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God Who taketh away the sin of the world.
Now, 3500 years later, we see the Devil telling his servants to put their signs upon the doorposts of their homes, Egyptian signs (pyramids and the all-seeing eye of Horus from Egypt), upon their homes, businesses, their album covers, their logos, even on their false Bibles, and Satan will reward them for their support. Thus, we see society today saturated with occult pyramids and the all-seeing eye, and other occult symbols and images. It's a mockery of the Word of God. Everything that Satan does is a mockery of God. The Ram or goat is a mockery of the precious Lamb of God. The Church of Satan is a mockery of the New Testament Church. False religions are a mockery of true Christianity.
That is amazing! God told the Israelites in EGYPT to mark their homes with the blood of Christ to be spared death; and now 3500-years later Satan is telling everyone to mark their works and businesses with EGYPTIAN occult symbols to stay alive and thrive in Satan's global economy and New World Order.
Satanist, Ronnie James Dio (1942-2010) of BLACK SABBATH
Black Sabbath in N.I.B. (Nativity In Black) "Some people say MY LOVE cannot be true/ please believe me, MY LOVE, and I'll show you/ I will give you those things you thought unreal . . . YOUR LOVE FOR ME has just got to be real . . . our love grows stronger now with every hour, Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am/ MY NAME IS LUCIFER, PLEASE TAKE MY HAND!"
“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” —2nd Thessalonians 1:8
Ephesians 4:18-21, “Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. But ye have not so learned Christ; If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as THE TRUTH is in Jesus.”