Surrounded by Sex!

1st Peter 2:11, "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul."

The happiest people are those who have no sins standing between them and God.  

       “What's behind this alarming trend? Virginia Navarro, PhD, assistant professor of educational psychology at the University of Missouri, in Columbia, says our sex-saturated culture pushes kids to grow up too fast. 'Children's stores and catalogs sell junior versions of sexy styles,' she explains. 'You see silky bras and panties for 5-year-olds and skintight Lycra tops and slit skirts that make prepubescent girls look provocative.'

Adding fuel to the fire are racy TV shows which depict teen sex as exciting and normal. More than half of all TV shows include sexual content, with the average prime-time program featuring five or more sexual references per hour. Only a small percentage of these widely watched shows ever mention responsible behavior, such as abstinence or using contraception.”
SOURCE: Ladies Home Journal 

A Sex Sicko Society
It should not come as a surprise that society today is a disaster zone of morally bankrupt people who possess bad character. Look no further than the television and the hellish public school system. We get what we deserve! 

The world has become a cesspool of iniquity. Everywhere we turn all we see is sexual perversion, promiscuity and disobedience against the God of the Bible. There was a day when all women wore dresses. It was the style of the time, and it was a time of decency. It was rare to see women wearing pants in public 100-years ago. Today, the world's culture has deteriorated to where women don't wear hardly any clothes anymore. It is wickedness according to the Bible (1st Timothy 2:9). 

Every parent should try to protect their children from the evil influences of the world. Eventually they will grow up and have to make their own choices, but hopefully by then we will have instilled in them enough character to do the right thing and make the right choices. Faith in the Bible as God's Word is critically important. 

Satan is a murderer and desires to destroy humanity (John 8:44; 10:10). Children are under Satanic attack like never before. From the filth of Walt Disney to the hellishness of Evolution, Satan is trying to corrupt the world's children. 

There's not an evil in the world any more hideous than the Homosexual Agenda, which primarily targets children. Kids don't stand a chance nowadays in public schools. THE TRUTH is that homosexuality is a morally reprehensible sin. Christians are commanded to have no company with any professed Christian who is an open homosexual (1st Corinthians 5:11). Children should be taught the truth that homosexuality is a sin that brings the judgment of God. 

Young people these days have been told that life is all about sex. This is the overwhelming repetitive theme of secular television, Walt Disney, Hollywood, Music Television (MTV), and all mainstream music. Our young Christian couples want to turn their honeymoon night into a Playboy free-for-all. Sex education in the heathen government public school system is about INDOCTRINATION; an introductory course into sexual immorality, which includes handing out free condoms to encourage such behavior—promoting fornication, homosexuality, and the lies of Evolution to rob youth of any moral guilt which would normally result from such wickedness. This has all been planned by design to corrupt and destroy the world, all part of the ongoing construct of a Godless Global Totalitarian Police State Government, aka, a New World Order. 

Even adults are preoccupied with bedroom exploits hoping for the ultimate pleasure. Something is wrong when nearly everyone is running out to buy sexual enhancements products because they're not happy with what God made them. People today want bigger breasts, a larger erectile, plastic surgery of all sorts, fake eye colors, artificial hair, fake nails, dye for quick skin-tanning and creams for lighter skin . Where will this insanity end? It is no secret that men and women alike have been having their genitals pierced with jewelry for decades now. The Devil influences people to do weird things. One homosexual had to have multiple intestinal surgeries, because his gay partner shoved a dildo so far into him that it ruptured his intestines and resulted in massive amounts of surgery. This is the world today. 

If this offends you, and it should, then please consider carefully that the public schools are allowing GLSEN into their schools to teach teens how to fist-sex each other. Yes, you read correct, FIST-SEX EACH OTHER!!! This is so sickening, but it's being forced onto our children and most parents aren't even aware of the depth of wickedness and debauchery to which our world has stooped. The world is FAR WORSE than Sodom and Gomorrah!

The problem is simple: pleasure is not happiness. Most folks are finding this out only after their marriage has failed, or their health has been destroyed. The happiest people are those who have no sins standing between them and God. 

Satan is in a bid for the world's children and I am sure he chuckles to himself when he sees what's going on today.  If you don't believe there's a devil, you're living in utter denial. 
“The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.” —Proverb 29:15

Parents need to monitor their children. It's not a matter of TRUST, it's a matter of safeguarding your child. Your child's business is YOUR BUSINESS. That's the way it MUST be.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” —Proverb 22:6
Notice in Proverb 22:6 that the Bible doesn't say “when he is young”; but rather, “when he is old.” God is simply saying that if we raise our children according to the principles of God's Word, then they will have a FOUNDATION to fall back on when they get older. It doesn't mean they won't falter or go into sin. A good illustration is a home that has burned to the ground, but the foundation is still there to rebuild. Train up a child in the Word of God and they'll always have that foundation to rebuild their life upon if they go astray. This is why Evolution is so evil, it robs children of having a Christian foundation of faith in God. Public schools don't educate, they indoctrinate! 

The tragic part is that many people defend such evil. The world has deteriorated into a sexually degenerate society of dirty-minded people. Most people don't care, and they watch  filth on their TVs, and so they contribute to the problem. Where are the God-fearing Christians in Kenya? Why aren't more Christians STANDING UP against the workers of iniquity as Psalm 94:16 commands? God hasn't changed in 3,000 years (Malachi 3:6). The same holy God Who hated evil in the Old Testament hates evil today. Psalm 97:10, “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil...”

It's not hard to figure out what's going on if one understands that there has been an  agenda to morally subvert and separate the world at large from God for centuries. This stuff is real and Christians need to understand what is going on in order to comprehend why pornography, the sex-culture, rock 'n' roll, sex-saturated television, feminism, divorce, corrupt courts, and the malicious news media are destroying the world's families. There is an AGENDA at work to destroy your family. 

The following information is quoted from Pepperdine Campus Ministry. It puts into perspective just how much money the filth mongers are making in the porn industry. The following statistics should upset you if you love God...

Porn Runs The World

This world is rife with moral decay. Doubters need only look to the evening news or the vacant church pews for confirmation. That and the fact that the porn industry utterly dominates our society.
Think we’re exaggerating? We’ve got the numbers to back it up. As big as you think porn is, it’s bigger, and its influence on modern society is deeper.

Porn — Hollywood

“Hollywood cranks out around 500 movies a year to an international audience of 2.8 billion. Its closest competitor, India’s Bollywood, makes about 1,000 movies a year, but 50 percent aren’t released and 95 percent of those released are financial flops. This is unfortunate considering every Bollywood clip we’ve ever seen has been absolutely amazing.
In 2008, The Dark Knight alone grossed $533 million domestically and over $1 billion internationally, certifying it in the top five highest grossing films of all time and a crown jewel in the Hollywood empire. It’s just further evidence that the institution of Hollywood cannot possibly be bested in any way, and certainly not by the data in the following paragraph.
As early as 2002, about 11,000 adult movies were released per year–more than 20 times the mainstream movie production. To meet current demand, a new pornographic video is being created every 39 minutes in the U.S.
In 2005, there were approximately 425 films released in Hollywood, including a Star Wars prequel and a Harry Potter movie, with domestic grosses of $8.597 billion. That’s very impressive. In 2006, the cumulative grosses for porn videos in the U.S., leveraging video sales, rentals, mobile phone content and Internet revenues–came out to….
Are you ready?
$8.65 billion.
About the same, and that’s minus the billions Hollywood spends on promotion. Oh, and we’re going to take a wild guess and say that the combined budgets of every porno shot that year wouldn’t even pay for the CGI in the opening credits of a Harry Potter movie. So, yeah, we’re thinking that $8.65 billion is pretty much all profit”.

Porn — Pretty Much Everything

Remember at the beginning when we said as big as you think porn is, it’s actually bigger? We meant it.
Microsoft, purveyor of the operating system used on most of the computers in the world, reported 2008 profits in excess of $16 billion. ExxonMobil, the world’s largest publicly traded company and number five on Forbes’ top 2000 companies, posted 2008 profits of $40.6 billion. Though there is little in common with their industries, they do share one common bond: porn revenues spank them both.  
In 2006, the sum of international revenues from pornographic videos, sexual novelties, magazines, “dance” clubs, pay-per-view and Internet was approximately $97 billion.
Can you even wrap your mind around that number? Try it this way: that’s larger than the combined annual revenues of the NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball.
Still not impressed? Well, domestic revenues for pornography are larger than the revenues of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink combined.
This means $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography internationally every second. To put that in perspective, when ExxonMobil posted a quarterly profit of $11.7 billion last year, the largest in American history, they were effectively making $1,947 less per second than the world of filth mongers.
When you start talking about money this big it’s not even fair to compare individual companies, so we just made the jump to entire countries. If you compare porn revenues to Gross Domestic Product, the market value of all final goods and services from a nation in a given year, it is bigger than Morocco.”

Making money is one thing, but making money by preying off of people and causing them immense pain and strife is quite another.  Don’t think porn is negatively affecting our world?  Keep reading.
Everywhere a man turns nowadays, sexual smut and immodestly dressed women are in his face. Victoria's Secret is no longer a secret. Sexuality is in our faces everywhere we look. A man cannot even watch the evening news without seeing some miniskirt-wearing whore. You can't even look at the advertisements on billboards while driving along the road or read a newspaper without seeing half-dressed women and girls. It is wickedness. 

The internet is absolutely saturated with sexually suggestive advertising. Unethical companies have stooped to unprecedented lows in an attempt to make more money. Thousands of online companies display immodestly clothed women, laying down, sitting with their legs open, wearing tight clothing to expose their breasts. The internet has truly become the Devil's playground. Pornography is a multi-billion dollar-a-year business and it's growing exponentially.
Psalm 101:3, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes...” 

Katy Perry, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj, and other spoiled heathen brats are  disgraceful role models who young girls idolize her and who are being used to subvert these girls. No wonder the world is filled with sluts and whores, fornicating and committing adultery, having led to countless abortions! God help us!!! I'm not condemning Katy Perry et al, for we are all guilty sinners in God's eyes, but someone needs to protect our children and stand up against the jerks who are trying to turn them into whores (Hebrews 13:5). 

Walt Disney is just as bad. it has turned teenage girls into glamour model whores. It's just plain wrong to film 13-year old girls with high-heels, lip gloss, professionally done hair, et cetera. The producers bring the hair down in front of the girl's eyes. They dress the girls in seductive miniskirts and position them in provocative angles for the camera. Is it any wonder why society is falling apart? Can you honestly act stupid and claim you don't know why sex-crimes are sky-rocketing all across the wprld? It's really not that hard to figure out. The Bible calls it lasciviousness (sex addiction). The television has become the sexivison. Everything on television nowadays is sex, sex, sex. Many of the TV shows have a twisted, violent, homosexual, sex-perverted, adulterous, shocking, child-molesting, sex-trafficking, sicko theme to them. And the public can't get enough of it, they beg for more.
Sexual Filth, Provocative Clothing and Lasciviousness
Photo to right: Marylyn Monroe—the whore
We are living in a selfish world today. The world's infatuation with sexual immorality, lasciviousness and nudity is fueled by greed, lust and selfishness. The whores who are willing to strip naked (or nearly naked) to make a buck are helping to destroy the world. Every woman who has ever posed naked in a dirty magazine, such as Playboy, will give account to God for helping to destroy marriages,wreck homes, cause rapes and lead men away from God. 
Pornography is no trifle matter to God. Hebrews 13:4 is clear... "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."  Jesus said in Matthew 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Women who strip naked in a filthy movie, or in an immoral magazine, or on the adulterous TV shows, are deliberately causing tens-of-millions of men and women to have lustful desires that are unholy, covetous, and adulterous. I can't think of anything more malicious and selfish. 
Michelle Griffin is the social affairs editor at THE AGE, who thinks it's good for teens to read raunchy novels and sexual smut...
Why Teens Should Read Raunchy Novels And Straight-up Smut
Dirty books can arm adolescents against banal internet porn.
Teens should read more porn. The key word here is ''read''. When every adolescent can tap into adults-only video over the internet, but their only formal sex education emphasises disease and danger, dirty books are the best chance they have to free their fantasy lives from the shackles of banal commercialised sexuality.

We should fill school libraries, family bookshelves and e-readers with all manner of explicit literature: not just copies of The Joy of Sex, but steamy airport novels, raunchy teen lit and straight-up smut. According to enthusiastic reviewer Elaine Blair in the August New York Review of Books, Nicholson Baker's surreally explicit new title, House of Holes, is ''exactly the sort of filth you'd want them to read first … [It] will introduce impressionable readers to many interesting sexual possibilities without a whisper of stereotype or slur.''
This is the counsel of the ungodly which Psalms 1:1 warns about. Can you imagine anyone suggesting that teens read all the sexual smut, homosexual lasciviousness and dirty filth they can get their hands on? Griffin thinks the libraries should be stocked with trashy literature so our teens can be saturated with sexual lasciviousness. What a spiritually bankrupt individual! It is sinful for teens or anyone to read sexually promiscuous literature. It's no different than if two men are telling dirty sexual jokes. The Bible says in Colossians 3:8, “But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.”
Many little children are being sexually molested because of booze and pornography. Now cellphones makers are making the sin of adultery even easier...
Cell phone porn to ring up $3.3 billion
By Jo Best
Special to CNET | November 28, 2006
Like the Internet before it, it looks like mobile's content explosion could be set off by porn.

Adult content on mobile devices will be worth $3.3 billion by 2011, up from $1.4 billion this year, according to industry analysts Juniper Research.

Europe is the biggest spender on porn, due to both its appetite for smut and the relatively high-priced nature of adult content. The Asia-Pacific region follows in second place.
The development of the adult content market will also evolve in parallel with mobile telephony technology, Juniper predicted. Currently, most adult content is text-based. As 3G wireless, which provides more capacity for multimedia services, reaches maturity, porn will switch to video delivery, Juniper said. More than 70 percent of revenue will be derived from that medium by 2011, according to the report.

"Erotic adult entertainment is big business--sex sells! What's more, the underlying drivers mean that the demand is pretty constant," the report's authors noted.

The enemy has come in like a flood. Our world is doomed because the average person is so morally bankrupt they couldn't care less what's right or wrong anymore. Sin lieth at our nation's door. Evil abounds everywhere!  

Christians Can Live for God in These Wicked Times

What's a Christian to do? Let me say right away that a Christian CAN live a holy life in these times of woeful wickedness and apostasy. The Bible states in 1st Corinthians 10:13, “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” A young man said to an elderly preacher, “Preacher, I can't help but commit fornication, I'm over-sexed.” The elderly preacher wisely replied, “No young man, you are under-charactered.” Character is the subconscious doing of right. Good character means possessing good habits, which comes from doing the right thing repeatedly. If you'll pretend to be a good Christian long enough, you'll become one someday. There's no time like the present to start. Just do right!

Job in the Old Testament made a personal commitment that he would strive not to be a lustful man. Job purposed in his heart to guard his eyes against entertaining unholy thoughts, which come from lusting. Job 31:1, “I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I think upon a maid?” The average person today couldn't care less about living for God; but judgment day is coming. Ecclesiastes 11:9, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.” Hugh Hefner's day of reckoning is coming. Hugh has lived a pleasurable life of wine, women and song, spitting on God. God will not be mocked. Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” Woe unto the wicked!

Marriage is like a fireplace, and sex is the fire. As long as the fire stays in the fireplace you're ok. But if you let the fire outside of the fireplace, it'll burn your house down. And if you have sex outside of marriage, it'll burn your life up. Lust is destroying Kenya. Sexual sins have become so prevalent that the Mayor of Nairobi even considered legalizing prostitution in that city. But consider yourself forewarned my friend: what happens on earthis RECORDED in Heaven! “And the BOOKS were opened” (Revelation 20:12). Whoremongers and adulterers God WILL JUDGE (Hebrews 13:4).

Divorce courts are overflowing with cases. Adultery is the number one reason (grounds) used to justify a divorce, because nearly everybody tries to use the Bible to justify their sins. However, divorce is a sin in all situations. There are no Biblical grounds for divorce. What about all the other sins that one's spouse may commit? Jesus taught forgiveness, 70 times 7 (Matthew 18:22). This does not justify the sin of adultery, but Jesus taught forgiveness, and that includes forgiveness toward a fallen spouse who is repentant and sorrowful for their sins.

Besides, the Bible teaches in 1st Corinthians 7:11 that if a wife does DEPART (not divorce) from her husband, she is to remain single for the rest of her life, or reconcile with her husband. To remarry is sinful, it is adultery (Matthew 5:32). God will punish the woman who divorces her husband and shacks up with another man (which is considered a common-law marriage). Adultery is a horrible sin. The Bible teaches that a person who covers their sins CANNOT prosper in the Christian life. Proverb:28:13, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” 

In the case of a woman who has divorced her husband and remarried (or vise versa), she cannot undo her wrongs. She has committed a sin that will perpetuate for a lifetime, such as abortion. You cannot bring the child back from the grave. The blood of the child crieth out from the grave (Genesis 4:10). If you have remarried, all you can do is ask for forgiveness from your spouse; but you cannot make things right. That's why the Lord came into the world, to SAVE SINNERS, to make things right because we couldn't. You will give account to God on Judgment Day for the wickedness you have done (Romans 14:12). God will avenge (1st Thessalonians 4:6; Romans 12:19). God will hold Christian believers accountable for the GOOD and the BAD done in the flesh (2nd Corinthians 5:10-11).

The lost will be judged at a different time and place, cast into the Lake of Fire, Hell (Greek: Gehenna) forever (Revelation 20:11-15).

A Sick-Minded, Hypocritical, Sexually-Perverted Society

Hollywood has sexualized everything nowadays. Companies have saturated their advertisements with promiscuous and sexually-suggestive content to make a buck. It is malicious and rotten to the core. God is not amused. Hell will be hot enough for the wicked. God is angry with the wicked every day (Psalm 7:11). Pornography is evil.

Selena Gomez and Katy Perry both sing the evil blasphemous song, ROCK GOD, admitting the degenerate sexual nature and demonic influence of Rock 'N' Roll music. John Hall of Hall and Oates stated: “Rock 'N' Roll is 99% sex!” Rocker, Frank Zappa (right) said of young girls under the influence of his rock music . . .
“I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god.” (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)
Remember, the title of Selena Gomez and Katy Perry's evil song is ROCK GOD. Frank Zappa admits the overpowering, demonic, destructive nature of Rock music. The rock 'n' roll culture has led to massive sexual immorality. Consequently, millions of unwanted pregnancies are aborted (which is cold-blooded, calculated, planned, murder... Exodus 20:13).

Katy Perry (real name: Katheryn Hudson) also sings I Kissed a Girl and Ur So Gay. Katy Perry in 2010 recorded the vile song TEENAGE DREAM, in which she invites a male to put his hands down into her skin tight pants, so she can be his teenage dream tonight. Perry recorded this song at age 26. Like Madonna (who is nearing senior citizen eligibility), these greedy and selfish she-devils target teenage girls, turning them into lascivious lewd whores for the Devil. 
1st John 2:15-17, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”
Feminism has also played an instrumental role in destroying families. There is a deliberate agenda to destroy families!

Rocker Frank Zappa (who discovered the awful truth December 4, 1993 the second he died) proudly boasted:
“Rock music is sex. The beat matches the body rhythms. (Frank Zappa, superstar of 'Mothers of Invention' fame.)

It is tragic that heathen rock 'n' roll singers openly admit the evil nature of rock music; while Godless Contemporary Christian Music [CCM] performers like TobyMac, Third Day, Jars of Clay, Unholy, Rebecca St. James, Michael Smith, Kirk Franklin, Juliani, and hundreds more defend religious rock music and bring it into our churches. It is apostasy!

It's sad how some people attribute their wickedness to God. It's so wrong. It's unbelievable what some people come up with to justify their evil. It shouldn't come as a surprise in a wicked society that justifies murdering it's own children, legalizes homosexual marriages, takes pictures of its children in their underwear for clothing catalogs, and other forms of mental-illnesses, that they would also legalize pornography. What is wrong with people?

Get Rid of That Hellivision!

Honestly, Christians need to get rid of their TV's. It's just too unpredictable. There are no wholesome things to see on TV anymore. I want to please God and live right. The key to living right is thinking right... “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2nd Corinthians 10:5). There's no secret to living right. You have to abide in Christ, meditate in the Scriptures and just plain exercise some self-control.

Television today is working overtime inducing lasciviousness into the hearts of men and women alike. No wonder homosexuality and sex crimes have become epidemic in the world. 

World leaders including the USA's President Obama openly support same-sex marriage. “I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told ABC News' Robin Roberts. What a wicked President! God's opinion hasn't changed. It doesn't matter what we think, “personally.” All that matters is what God says in His Word. Romans chapter one plainly exposes the sin of homosexuality as being abnormal and the bottom of evil and  teaches the downward progression of a civilization into total Godlessness and debauchery. The sin of homosexuality is at the very bottom. A society cannot go any lower! Along with homosexuality exists pedophilia and every sexual sin.

A “yoke” in the Bible represents carrying a burden. The yoke was placed across an animal's shoulder and permitted a plow or some other device to be attached to the yoke. It's a yoke of wood to live right; but it's a yoke of iron to yield to sinful temptations. Sin will destroy your life. Jeremiah 28:13, “Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron.” It may be a yoke of wood to live for God and do the right thing; but yielding to sin and doing the wrong thing will bring one into bondage (i.e., yokes of iron). It's not easy to live right nowadays; but it's even more difficult to live in sin. 


It is no coincidence that everything has been sexualized and marriage desecrated in the world. This is all part of the planned subversion of society. Brutal Communist dictator, Vladimir Lenin stated, “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.” Rock 'n' roll  lived up to that statement, producing a depraved culture of nudity, rebellion, drug-addicts, fornication, abortion, witchcraft, homosexuality and divorce.

Even a brief study of the lives of famous rock 'n' roll singers, such as Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, Gene Simmons of Kiss, David Lee Roth of Van Halen, David Bowie, and hundreds more like them, reveals a sex-driven culture of adultery, fornication, homosexuality and just about every sin imaginable. There are groups of women, whores, who follow the rock bands from city-to-city for the sole purpose of partaking in orgies with members of the band. Madonna is an idol to MILLIONS of girls and women. Madonna published a book called, SEX, in which she is portrayed as receiving oral sex from a dog. The book was specifically designed to be placed on people's coffee table. I had always heard of having a Bible on one's coffee table. Madonna has different ideas. Tragically, Madonna's music is heard all across the world, being promoted by the demonically-inspired music industry. Do we really trust in God? I think not.

My heart goes out to Christian men all across the world, who are under Satanic attack. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Peter was concerned about his fellow brethren in the Lord, warning them that fleshly lusts war against the soul once that battle is engaged. When a man allows pornography into his heart, he is launching an unnecessary war in his soul. Just one lewd image from a movie can allow Satan to place a create a stronghold in that person's soul for a long time to come. The Bible tells us not to go there in the first place. Why fight a battle that we don't need to fight? There are enough battles in life as it is. We are at spiritual war as Christian men. Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” There is an evil spirit of sexual sins at work throughout the world.
 We must guard our mind, abide in the Word of God and pray that we enter not into temptation. Ecclesiastes 8:12, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him.” Jesus warned Peter that the Devil wanted to sift him as wheat (Luke 22:31). Sexual sins are deadly. Proverb 7:27, “Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.” God will judge those who partake of sexual sins. Hebrews 13:4, “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.”

God will judge and punish those who flaunt His holy Word and disregard the Biblical call to holiness. Today's society has become lewd, rude and crude. 

The same sick-minded people who laugh at me and what's in this blog are the same rotten evil people who abort their children, brag of having homosexual friends or being homosexuals themselves and treat God like garbage. I love God and the Bible; and so I hate the smut that is destroying our world morally. We have forgotten God. 

It is high-time for Christians to get mad about the sexual smut, filth and whoredom in our society. It starts from the pulpit, when men of God preach aloud against the wickedness of women wearing pants, lewdness and the whoredom.

 Ecclesiastes 11:9 and 12:14, “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment . . . For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

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