Dumbing Down through Chemtrails, HD TV, and Food
Chemtrails are chemicals in the air that are sprayed and spread into
the atmosphere from planes flying overhead. Jets automatically produce
contrails from 33,000 feet when the hot engine exhaust momentarily
conduces ice crystals producing a thin vapor. Chemtrails produce thick
cloud smoke and extend across the sky and can last for hours.
Solid proof is not available that chemtrails exist and is know as a
“conspiracy theory”. No agency has yet claimed responsibility for
chemtrails, their purpose and composition remain a mystery. However,
former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson has stated that he has personally
witnessed the spread of chemtrails and he is now blowing the whistle on
the US government about these harmful chemtrails. Also, a first
governmental acknowledgement of its kind, a public official from
Cleveland, Ohio has referenced “chemtrails” in a bill put before
congress. Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D) has submitted bill no. HR 2977 IH
, which proposed a ban on the weaponization of space back in 2001. One
of the weapons systems listed in the bill is “chemtrails”. The use of
this term is significant because until now, all reported governmental
inquiries into this issue have been dismissed or denied.
The best way to detox yourself is with the natural product “Liquid Zeolite“.
Heavy Metals:
Metals are one of the worst toxins for the human body. Mercury, lead,
and aluminum are the most common metals humans are exposed to, and can
be difficult to avoid because they are found within everyday life. There
could be a possibility that metals are spread thorough the chemtrails.
“Chronically sick people are more useful than dead people” How so, a rational person might wonder? If you are chronically sick, then you need expensive drugs and you are easier to enslave.
To battle against the dumbing down process avoid processed foods,
animal products to the best of your ability, and especially fast foods.
Because of the manipulations of foods, a person would highly benefit by
eating raw foods and buy a juicer and learn to juice.
Small televisions existed since 1929 and technology research started
back in 1884 with the rotating disk. However, the first Home Television
entered the human lifestyle in 1950. The American Broadcasting Company
first aired Saturday morning TV shows for children on August 19, 1950.
Cable television, formerly known as Community Antenna Television or
CATV, was born in the mountains of Pennsylvania in the late 1940′s. The
first successful color television system began commercial broadcasting
on December 17, 1953 based on a system designed by RCA. Color TV was by
no means a new idea, a German patent in 1904 contained the earliest
proposal, while in 1925 Zworykin filed a patent disclosure for an
all-electronic color television system. A successful color television
system began commercial broadcasting, first authorized by the FCC on
December 17, 1953 based on a system invented by RCA.
High Definition remarkably dates back to the late 1930, but these
systems were only HD compared to earlier systems. HDTV technology was
introduced in the United States in the 1990s by the Digital HDTV Grand
Alliance, a group of television, electronic equipment, communications
companies and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The first
broadest occurred on July 23, 1996 in America.
The High Definition Television
is everywhere in the western world. Restaurants, waiting rooms, banks
lobbies, cop orations, and several other odd places are erecting high
definition televisions. Humanity is obsessed with watching TV around the
world. Even poor families have a TV within the house and most with
satalite disk television. HD TV is not all over the world, but the
television is.
Viewing a High Definition Television is extremely clear and precise that
it seems like real life. From personal observation, people that watch HD
TV seemed glued and spoiled and much more lazy. People seem much more
addicted to their HD TV’s, I have met and visited with some people that
say they could never live without HD. I believe HD TV is one of the main
reasons why over 60% of Americans are over weight, inadequate, fearful
of their shadow and lazy with a non-caring attitude. HD TV contributes
to dumbing down society through mind control. Next they will be offering
3D Televisions.
Samsung released a 3D TV warning, even before the product is available:
* If you experience any of the following symptoms, immediately stop watching 3D pictures and consult a medical specialist: (1) altered vision; (2) lightheadedness; (3) dizziness; (4) involuntary movements such as eye or muscle twitching; (5) confusion; (6) nausea; (7) loss of awareness; (8) convulsions; (9) cramps; and/or (10) disorientation. Parents should monitor and ask their children about the above symptoms as children and teenagers may be more likely to experience these symptoms than adults.
* Viewing in 3D mode may also cause motion sickness, perceptual after effects, disorientation, eye strain, and decreased postural stability. It is recommended that users take frequent breaks to lessen the likelihood of these effects. If you have any of the above symptoms, immediately discontinue use of this device and do not resume until the symptoms have subsided.
* We do not recommend watching 3D if you are in bad physical condition, need sleep or have been drinking alcohol.
The 3D TV manufacturers think there’s an issue here. According to them, you shouldn’t drink a beer if you’re watching the football in 3D – that could be dangerous.
Additional dumbing down tactics:
- Video games
- Handheld Gaming
- Large Amounts of Caffeine and Energy Drinks
- All Fast Food that includes processed and can foods
- Animal products, focus on vegan and raw foods
- Poor quality bread with yeast—eat more flat breads
- Non-filtered water
- Laziness: a worldwide epidemic
- Worldly Behaviors and Attitudes
If you are an observer with an open mind there should be no
doubt that the American culture is experiencing decay including other
countries. The dumbing down of the mind is occurring throughout the
world. Most people live in fear with a low self-esteem. The majorities
feel inadequate and experience deep feelings of uncertainty. Humanity
continues to live on survival mode concerned only for themselves and in
fear of the future. Continually progressing to an awakened state may be
difficult because the higher ups want you dumbed down and under their deception. Breaking out of the matrix will require inner strength. With a steadfast intention and focus
within the moment of consciousness your reality will shift and you will
began to observe that over 90% of the population experiences a
dumbed-down reality.
From: http://adventofdeception.com/