Why Do The Heathen Rage?
"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us" -Psalm 2:1-3
This Old Testament Scripture is quoted in the New Testament...
"Lord, thou art God, which hast made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all that in them is: Who by the mouth of thy servant David hast said, Why did the heathen rage, and the people imagine vain things?" -Acts 4:24–25
Notice Acts 4:26, "The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against his Christ."
Mankind's Sinful Nature is Against God
Mankind has always been against God and His Word. God uses men for His purposes. We read in Acts 4:26-28 that is was God who controlled all the events in Christ's crucifixion, "For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel, were gathered together, For to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done." No man could have laid a hand upon Jesus if it had not been God's divine will. Nevertheless, the Bible says that there was a conspiracy against Jesus to destroy him (Herod, Pilate, the gentiles and Israel). That conspiracy has continued over the centuries against the disciples of Christ, Christians. The animosity has been snowballing as it has come down through the centuries, and it will break out finally in a worldwide revolution against God and His Children. Just as the lost world hated Jesus Christ, so it hates His disciples. "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."" (2 Timothy 3:12).
Those Who Love Sin, Hate God
Why do the heathen rage? Why are they so adamant against the Lord Jesus? John 3:20

I hear worldly people all the time trying to rationalize their sins. They say, "What's wrong with smoking, tobacco grows naturally doesn't it?" And doggy-doo-doo is natural also but you don't eat it do you? They say, "Adam and Eve were naked and not ashamed, so why should I feel ashamed for posing nude in a porno magazine?" Because Adam and Eve were the only two people in the world at the time. Do you see how foolish the hearts of the wicked can be? There is NO justification for sin--NONE. Just because you are poor does NOT give you the right to steal. Just because you grew up in a cruel home does NOT give you the right to abuse your family. Just because someone cheated you does NOT give you the right to be a crook. We must all stand individually before our Creator in judgment. "So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God" (Romans 14:12). Do right! Do right! Though the stars fall, do right!
Mankind is Prone to Destruction
I believe the world is fast approaching the end. With all the nuclear warheads and wars breaking out across the globe, how much longer can this world last as is? If you think we are entering into a new-age, where the world will enjoy a one-world agenda, economy, religion and government--you're nuts! Oh, it will happen, but it will be the beginning of the end. The end being that snowball I mentioned earlier--a worldwide revolution against God. They will be put down and destroyed at the battle of Armageddon. There will NEVER be true lasting peace in this world until the Lord Himself reigns as King from Jerusalem.
War is a heart-disease amongst humanity. People's hearts are evil and set to do mischief. Can you really tell me that you believe this will come to an end? It surely will not! Not until Jesus returns to take control.
Judgment is Coming
Don't misunderstand me, I love Kenya! I believe in being patriotic. I don't agree with much of what is going on in politics and government, but we are commanded in the Scriptures to submit to the higher authorities (God being the highest). We are to obey the laws of the land as long as they don't tell us we can't serve God. If the government tells me I can't go soul-winning, I'm going anyway. If they tell me I can't pray, I'm praying anyway. If they tell me to pay taxes, they have every right to do so and I will comply. I hear people complaining all the time. We should thank God for the blessings we enjoy in this blessed nation.
The people of Kenya are slowly but surely turning from God and to destruction. If sodomy, gambling, alcohol, pornography, abortion, prostitution and nudity on TV are openly practised today...what will be legal tomorrow? It is because I love Kenya that I long to see her people get right with God. We are headed for dark days in this country if we don't repent and come back to God. We are heading in the wrong direction. Church attendance is at an all time low. Much music is nothing more than perverted lyrics, filled with occult new-age garbage or gang street talk. Women refuse to obey their husbands and husbands refuse to love their wives as the Bible commands. Young whores strut their near-naked bodies across the TV for lustful eyes to sin upon. Nearly every commercial on TV uses sex as a means of advertising. Kenya has become a sex-perverted country. God's Word is laughed at and cast away. Criminals have more rights than victims. Confessed murderers sit in prison, eating 3 square meals a day, watching TV, complements of the tax-payer. The Bible has been corrupted; hundreds of perverted bibles, all distorting the Person and Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Churches and Christians across Kenya are selling out to ecumenism, perverted bibles, Christian rock, life-style evangelism and Hollywood. Yes, we are in trouble.
The greatest problem of our day is indifference! Everything seems to be a big joke to people. TV shows make a mockery of sin, "Fools make a mock at sin..." (Proverb 14:9). How wicked! How wrong! Such shows exploit sodomy, fornication, bestiality and every other sin imaginable to make people laugh. Why can't they have a show with clean humor? Because very few people would watch it. People today are enamored with perversion, sodomy, witchcraft (Harry Potter) and the occult (astrology, yoga, horoscopes, etc.).
The devil is really working overtime for our young people's souls. How sad that so few people genuinely believe the Bible anymore. Our society has become too big for it's own britches, too educated to believe in 'Biblical fairy tales', too logical to believe in abstract and illogical concepts. The Bible must be accepted by faith! This is true of evolution as well. Friend, there is not one shred of proof of evolution! It is a mere theory wickedly accepted by Christ-rejecters as a fact. Yet, the Bible stands true, never to be disproved. There is much evidence against evolution. Satan has duped the multitudes.
God is Longsuffering With the Wicked, but Not Forever
Why do the heathen rage? Because God allows them to. "Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him:" (Ecclesiastes 8:12). The rain falleth upon the just and the unjust, "That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:45). Good and bad things happen to everyone! This is what the Bible teaches. I've known young full-time Christian workers to be killed in auto-accidents, but Hue Hefner lives on (and visa-versa). "It's not fair," one might say. Listen, you let God decide what is fair and what is not. "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding" (Proverb 3:5). God is still on his throne. If God wants to let the heathen rage, that is his business. I get upset when I see a Satanist freak like Ozzy Osbourne get a $20,000,000 contract for being a God-hater, when I live for the Lord and punch a clock 40 hours a week plus. Is it fair? Not if you ask me. However, God knows what He is doing. Yes, friend, God allows the heathen to rage in their rebellious and sinful endeavors - but not forever. Their woeful time will come soon enough. How sad! For God is not willing that any should perish.
The Wicked Will Be Punished
The world is a snowball, and it's getting bigger and bigger in it's rebellion against Christ and the Bible. It's not going to get any better, it never has. Every nation that has ever turned into sin was eventually destroyed. Even Nineveh, though they repented under the preaching of Jonah; they turned back into sin and were destroyed 100 years later. The prophet Nahum pronounced their doom. Likewise, our days are numbered as a nation if we continue in sin. I believe as we turn away from God that we will lose our integrity as a nation.
We boast that we are a Christian nation but we surely do not trust the True and Living God. I hear so many people talking about God, only to find out they don't believe Jesus is God. Folks, there is ONLY one God and Jesus Christ is definitely God. You say, "We trust in God!" I ask, "Which god?" Allah, god of the Muslims? Mary, god of the Catholics? The Mother-power, god of the Wiccans and New-Age crowd? Who is your god? My God is the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Creator of the universe, the Everlasting Father, the Eternal one, the Prince of peace, the Savior, Almighty God--JESUS CHRIST!