Goth Will Destroy Your Child
The Goth subculture is a contemporary subculture found in many countries. It began in the United Kingdom during the early 1980s in the gothic rock scene, an offshoot of the post-punk genre. The Goth subculture has survived much longer than others of the same era, and has continued to diversify. Its imagery and cultural proclivities indicate influences from nineteenth century Gothic literature along with horror movies and -according to César Fuentes Rodríguez and Carol Siegel- to a lesser extent, the BDSM culture.The Goth subculture has associated tastes in music and fashion, whether or not all individuals who share those tastes are in fact members of the Goth subculture. Gothic music encompasses a number of different styles. Common to all is a tendency towards a lugubrious, mystical sound and outlook. Styles of dress within the subculture range from death rock, punk, androgynous, medieval, some Renaissance and Victorian style clothes, or combinations of the above, most often with black attire, makeup and hair.
The term "Goth" refers to all categories of Gothics, from Emo 'Goths' to black metal 'Goths' to vampire 'Goths; from thrasher 'Goths' to punk 'Goths' to industrial 'Goths.' "Goth" is just a word the media uses to group a certain type of people together. The Goth culture includes Emos/ punks/ Wiccan witches/ self-abusers/ thrashers/ grungers/ heavy metallers, et cetera. This includes the Marilyn Manson, AC/DC, Smashing Pumpkins, Van Halen and Ozzy Osbourne crowd as well.
Marilyn Manson (real name: Brian Warner) is as demonic as you can get, cutting himself on stage, ripping up Bibles, calling Christians names, blaspheming God, spewing hatred against everything decent and holy! On Manson's ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR album cover, band members are drinking Manson's urine through straws attached to his crotch. Manson is the most revered name in Goth music and amongst the Goth culture.
Inside of Manson's AntiChrist Superstar CD, this sickening photo shows Manson urinating through tubes while his band members drink his urine.
Goth causes teenage girls to become whores, depresses kids to the point of cutting themselves, and turns otherwise normal kids into Columbine shooters. The Goth culture is obsessed with death and the darker side of life, which is clearly evidenced in Goth music. Goth is of the Devil.
Goth in itself is a mental illness, a sickness of the soul, mainly affecting teenagers in the same way as schizophrenia would, although to a greater extent. Its symptoms range from isolation and negativity to aggression and hate for humanity, depression, violent outbursts, low self esteem, self-loathing, self-harming and suicide. Many Goths turn to a life of crime to feed their addiction to drugs, sadism, violence and perversion.
There is a theme running through all these different types of gothic groups, and a common fashion and dress that all tribes of Goth wear. The clothing is usually dark and sinister looking, sometimes called the 'gothic uniform.' Goth women often wear black lipstick and paint their eyes so dark with mascara that they look like vampires. Goths are all obsessed with death and despair, with terror and violence, and most Goths use drugs as a form of everyday life. Some abuse their children, perform Satanic rituals, and drink human blood.
Goth in itself is a mental illness, a sickness of the soul, mainly affecting teenagers in the same way as schizophrenia would, although to a greater extent. Its symptoms range from isolation and negativity to aggression and hate for humanity, depression, violent outbursts, low self esteem, self-loathing, self-harming and suicide. Many Goths turn to a life of crime to feed their addiction to drugs, sadism, violence and perversion.
There is a theme running through all these different types of gothic groups, and a common fashion and dress that all tribes of Goth wear. The clothing is usually dark and sinister looking, sometimes called the 'gothic uniform.' Goth women often wear black lipstick and paint their eyes so dark with mascara that they look like vampires. Goths are all obsessed with death and despair, with terror and violence, and most Goths use drugs as a form of everyday life. Some abuse their children, perform Satanic rituals, and drink human blood.
Goths would have us believe that the Columbine Massacre was just an isolated incident; however, there are alarming statistics of thousands of recorded mainstream news events involving Goth killers. To say that the Goth subculture isn't dangerous is to be very ignorant indeed. Goth is of the Devil.
The Dangers of Rock Music
Taking two identical sets of plants in two separated but identical rooms, she exposed them to music. The first set of plants were played quiet placid subdued devotional "religious" classical music, while the other set were subjected to loud aggressive rock music played at full deafening volume 24 hours a day.
The plants exposed to rock grew away from the music source, withered and died, while the plants that were played religious music grew towards the music source and thrived.
The lesson? If rock music attacks and kills plants, what does it do to people? I think it's rather obvious - it does the exact same thing! Rock music attacks the nervous system, affecting one's emotional state. Is it any wonder why young people, now more than ever before, are blowing-up in anger, flying off the handle, committing suicide, and losing their minds?
Goth is particularly dangerous because the lyrics to the music often glamorize killing, brutality, sadism, masochism, pedophilia, torture, freakism, and all sorts of heathendom. The music is often characterized by relentless yelling and screaming, freakish embellishments of the voice, evil sounding backgrounds, etc. There just a bunch of sickos. Magician, Criss Angel, has made millions of dollars with his "Mind Freak" series, and he definitely fits in well with the Goth freak culture.
Criss Angel's theme song is characterized by his own voice screaming "mind freak" repeatedly at the top of his lungs. This is Satanic. We read in the Bible in Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." God doesn't want us to walk around singing "mind freak" (which a person cannot help but hear repeatedly in their memory after watching one of Criss Angel's shows). Satan is the freak of freaks. Jesus called Satan the father of all liars (John 8:44).
Goth is a Destructive Influence on Children
Goth is often associated with sexual immorality and pedophilia. And now we are finding websites that sell gothic clothing for children as young as kindergarten age, so that their sick gothic parents can dress their kids as Halloween freaks just like themselves.
Some websites are even selling 'bondage' clothing for babies! For babies? Don't you find that wrong and sick? Not just from a Christian point of view, but just plain ole common sense. No wonder children are so messed up nowadays, because their parents are freaks.
It is not difficult to let Lucifer into your home (1st Peter 5:8). The Apostle Paul prophesied in 2nd Timothy 3:6 of the future time when lustful men would creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lust. From the witchcraft of Sabrina, to the lewdness of Hugh Hefner; from the whores of Desperate Housewives, to the demonic New Age indoctrination of Oprah Winfrey; from the homosexuality of The Ellen DeGeneres (Degenerate) Show, to the lasciviousness of nearly every prime time TV program―Kenyans have opened the door wide for Satan to creep right into our homes.
In fact, Satan doesn't even need to creep his way into our homes anymore, because the average Kenyan willingly INVITES Satan into their home through the DEVILVISION! Most people don't care what they watch anymore. The TV does the exact OPPOSITE of what the Word of God does. Television DESENSITIZES people to sin; whereas the Word of God SENSITIZES us to sin... that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful (Romans 7:13).
Goth and Satanism
Photo to Right: Album cover for one of the top Goth bands, "The Cult." Ram and goat horns are extremely popular amongst Satanists. Paul McCartney even produced an album in 1971 titled, "RAM," to show his allegiance to Satan. This much similar to the Rolling Stones' 1973 album, "Goat's Head Soup."
I could publish an entire website just addressing the demonism which saturates the Goth movement. The Goth culture is the consequence of people that have turned their back on God. Rock n' Roll was seemingly innocent back in the 1950s (but it wasn't). Then in the 1960s we saw the British Invasion, bringing with it the Rolling Stones, the Beatles, and other heathen bands.
Illegal drug abuse flourished in the 1960s, fornication became epidemic, and a nation decided that the Bible was incompatible with their new amorality. So in 1962 the Bible was banned from the American Public School System. The 1970s naturally led to the passing of legalized abortion laws in America, to address the epidemic fornication problem (and all the unwanted babies). The 1970s began with the introduction of Satanism and occult imagery into much of the Rock music. The Church of Satan was founded on 06/06/66 by Anton LaVey, whose picture appears inside the Eagles' Hotel California album cover.
Goth deliberately crosses all the lines of proper dress, manners, refinement, and decency. Goth picks up where Rock 'n' Roll leaves off, offering a course in advanced rebellion, sexual immorality, and Satan worship. The Goth crowd is truly living at the bottom of the barrel of life, right where Satan wants them. Wiccan witches are naturally attracted to Goth, because they are Luciferians themselves, who worship hundreds of pagan deities; but vehemently deny the Lord Jesus Christ.
Goth is a degenerate form of subculture, that brings with it hate, loneliness, heartache, and woe. It is sin-centered music (if you dare call it music). If you are a parent, please steer your teens away from this perverted culture of death and hatred. If your daughter comes home from school one day with dark mascara around her eyes, and wearing black clothing, she's being influenced by the wrong crowd at school. Be a parent! Put your foot down!
Be as loving and kind as possible, but if that doesn't work, then be aggressive and say "NO!" It will be a cold day in Hell before any child of mine is going to tell me what, where, when, or how they're going to run their life. As long as I'm paying their bills, and they reside under my roof, then I make the rules! That's being a good parent. If you train your children while they're still young, then you will eliminate a lot of necessary conflicts when they become teens. I am amazed when I hear teenagers cursing their parents.
That shouldn't be. The key is tough love. If your kids KNOW that you love them, then they'll give you their heart. So many parents neglect their kids, by allowing the TV to raise them, and letting them run the streets all hours of the night.
Do not allow your children, mom and dad, to associate with Goths. Be a stickler for knowing exactly who your children are hanging around. Don't let your children associate with homosexual teenagers. Don't let your children hang around creeps, freaks, or troublemakers who are headed for destruction. Goths are infatuated with vampires, witches, the color black, torture, self abuse, and anything freakish. Goth is extremely luring to lonely teenagers who don't seem to fit in anywhere, because Goth is all about being a social misfit, i.e., a freak.
Parents are mostly to blame for not spending quality time with their teens. Listen parent, you ought to be best friends with your teen. A teenager who is loved by their parents won't have a need to identify with others who are in their same lonesome boat. If you don't make time for your kids, the Devil certainly will. Notice I said "make" time. Life is hectic nowadays, and there's always too much to do, and there's never enough money to pay the bills. Forget the overtime! You spend some quality time with your teens on a regular basis.
If you are into Goth yourself, then I ask you as a friend to come to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. You don't need to identify with the Devil's crowd anymore. Goth represents everything that is evil and unholy. Aren't you tired of running from God? God loves you, no matter who you are, or what you have done. God loves sinners.