Halloween Celebrates Sex and Death
"If skulls and rotting zombies don't turn you on, Halloween's has also become about kinky sex! How 'bout handing out candy to little girls dressed like Lady Gaga and little boys dressed in spandex tights."
by Richard Evans
I was initiated into Halloween in 1959. I was four-years-old. My grandmother let me choose a costume at the Five and Dime. I went straight for a latex red devil mask that fit over my entire head and was very lifelike, and came with shiny read rayon cape.
When I wore it I felt transformed into something more powerful than my four-year-old self. After Halloween night, my grandmother had to throw it away because I persisted in wearing it continuously around the house and in the yard.
Neighbors were beginning to talk. Years later I learned in an anthropology course that masks, chants and dancing are universally used to invoke spirits. "The person wearing the mask feels internally transformed and takes on temporarily the qualities of the god or demon represented by the mask" (Biedermann, Hans. Dictionary of Symbolism, p. 218)
Now I'm sick of it. I've become sensitive to how casually Americans watch the daily orgy of slaughter called 'the news' Real blood and corpses alternate with staged violence and comedy on HDTV screens everywhere.
Now I dread the time when rubber skulls pop up on neighbor's lawns, and supermarkets look like they hired the set director from "the Killing Fields". But don't worry. If skulls and rotting zombies don't turn you on, Halloween's has also become about kinky sex! How 'bout handing out candy to little girls dressed like Lady Gaga and little boys dressed in spandex tights.
The Satanic Bible ranks Halloween one of the two most important festivals on the Satanic calendar. The other is the night before May Day. The lower 3 degrees of Celtic witchcraft observe the same calendar and festivals as Satanists.
My grandmother explained to me that Halloween is part of our family heritage. It was the ancient harvest festival called Samhain (pronounced "sah-win"). She said it came from the old religion of the Druids, and showed me a picture of Stonehenge in an old encyclopedia.
Julius Caesar described the Druid Samhain harvest festival in 'The Gallic Wars'. He described the Druids as a theocracy that enslaved the peasant population through terror. The joy of harvest festival was combined with mass human sacrifices, when thousands of men, women and children were burned alive in giant 'Wicker Man' structures.
"The Romans put a stop both to these customs and to the ones connected with sacrifice and divination, as they were in conflict with our own ways."
So it was the Romans - not the Christians - that broke up the Druid theocracy. A few centuries after the Druids demise, the Roman Empire collapsed and was replaced by the Roman Church, that in turn Christianized most of the festivals. The Samhain belief that spirits of the dead and demons roam the nights of the Harvest Festival became "All Saints Day".
The masked and cloaked Druid priests of old were replaced with peasant in masks and costumes. Instead of demanding a family member in return for magikal protection from spirits, the Christianized visitor asked for food in return for saying a prayer for departed members of the household. But All Saints Day has absolutely nothing to do with anything in the Bible.
For nearly two thousand years the barbaric Druid rituals were forbidden. It may surprise you to realize that the Gallic Druid mass sacrifice tradition Caesar wrote about was resurrected by the Illuminati under the guise of the French Revolution. Rivers of Christian blood flooded the gutters of Paris. Robespierre himself presided the "Festival of the Supreme Being" June 8th, 1794 in the midst of ten months of non-stop human sacrifice.
Sixteen Carmelite nuns of Compiègne were guillotined On 17 July 1794 for the crime of refusing to take off their habits and renounce their vows. Since then the ancient festivals have been relentlessly resurrected under various covers.
Since the 'Lucifer Rising' ceremonies captured by homosexual Crowley disciple Kenneth Anger in 1966 the Druid Wicker Man re-enactments have been re-established at Bohemian Grove, 'Burning Man', and Zozobro Autumn event in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
These are preparing entranced pagan audiences for the real mass sacrifices to come.
The Burning of Zozobra 2007
After the harvest, the plants die. On the farm the men slaughtered the pigs and cattle they raised all summer and hang the meat in the smokehouse for winter. In the 'Old Religion' Samhain appeased the deities of Death and Fertility. It doesn't take a genius to suspect 'sex and death' energy is at best creepy and a worst, a psychotic mix.
Think of Ed Gein, John Wayne Gayce and Jeffrey Daumer. That's the stuff channeled into pubescent and young minds by Illuminati marionettes Lady Gaga and Marilyn Mason. Every day's Halloween for them; they just change 'alters' the way we change clothes. There's more to Halloween masks than changing suits. I'll say again that the person wearing the mask feels internally transformed and takes on temporarily the qualities of the god or demon represented by the mask.
"It is an opportunity to act out one's desires or fantasies. . . Halloween is unquestionably a night of inversion."(Rogers, Nicholas. Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night, p. 137)
"One's identity can be discarded with impunity. Men dress as women, and vice versa. Authority can be mocked and circumvented." (Skal, David J. Death Makes a Holiday: The Cultural History of Halloween p. 17)
Since Halloween 1974 I've seen several cases Jekyll and Hyde personality phenomenon at Halloween parties.
The pro-pagan 'Pagan Book of Halloween' by Wiccan Gerina. Dunwich, admits, "Some say that Halloween brings out the evil side of human nature in certain individuals. The number of vandalism acts committed each year on Halloween certainly seems to support this." . . ( The Pagan Book of Halloween, p. 23)
There's also a statistical spike of rapes associated with costume parties, especially if drugs are involved.
The 1994 movie 'The Crow' was based on a comic book featuring a man who was murdered with his fiancee on Halloween and comes back from the dead to track down his killers and send them to Hell. The film starred Brandon Lee, son of martial arts legend Bruce Lee in his first and last role. Lee was killed during filming in a 'freak accident'. Footage of the fatal shot was actually used in the movie. The movie was a financial blockbuster, costing only 15M and grossing ten times that in world wide distribution - and that's just box office alone.
In case readers are wondering, there never was a Jewish connection to Halloween at all. Jewish religious schools warn parents against observance of Halloween or Halloween parties or trick or treat because "observance of Halloween is pagan and therefore destructive to the Jewish educational process". [1.]
Obviously, Halloween is destructive to the Christian educational process too - yet I see every year most churches and their schools actually hold major Halloween festivals.
Satan's holiday gone from ingratiating the tolerance of churches to direct Christianity bashing.
f you've seen one drag queen in a nun's habit, you've seen them all. It's like a one liner joke that lasts fifty years. We get it. It's not funny.
"The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence (SPI), also called Order of Perpetual Indulgence (OPI) in Australia and elsewhere, is a charity, protest, and street performance organization that uses drag and Catholic imagery to call attention to sexual intolerance and satirize issues of gender and morality.
They are a tax exempt foundation with 'charity' status.
"The Sisters have grown throughout the U.S. and are currently organized as an international network of orders, which are mostly non-profit charity organizations that raise money for AIDS, LGBT-related causes, and mainstream community service organizations, while promoting sex education. +
Children's Halloween is a free event produced by the Sisters annually. The wee ones will be entertained by games of chance, face painting, spooky stories and special guest performers. Costume contest starts at 2:30 pm followed by a parade through the neighborhood. "
'Halloween is the Gay Christmas'
This pun seems to have originated with the San Francisco Castro District's annual Halloween street orgy. For many years the biggest public gay street party in the world, it began in 1948 as a Children's Halloween costume contest sponsored by Cliff's Variety Store and Hardware. By 1970 the Castro district was one of the largest and wildest gay enclaves in North America. Homosexuals took over the event and made it a sex party. By 2002 Halloween in the Castro was drawing a crowd of half a million.
A gay cafe owner told the SF Chronicle, "It's normally a big-money night, but it's just too crazy,." The city directors, police, and business owners were beyond the limits of being able to control five hundred thousand horny intoxicated homosexuals. During the 2006 party a gun fight broke out between 'gangs' injuring 25 people. No source gives details of the shooters, which means there were gay. If they were 'gay bashers' media would have announced like a Gay 911, but they didn't. The result was was the City of San Francisco decided to ban the event completely because it because uncontrollable.
Lust is blind. Pursuit of sexual arousal isn't love, it's lust.
Sexual arousal changes behavior toward strangers. Duke University experiments confirmed what societies always knew. Test subjects were given a list of lurid sex acts and asked which they would consider doing, or considered wrong. Most of the acts were taboo and many were serious felonies (rape, pedophilia) if they could get away with it. The subjects were given the test in the 'cold state' or normal unaroused consciousness.
Their answers showed a clear distinction between acts that are non-harmful, and the harmful and criminal acts. A week later the subjects returned to take the test again, but were shown hard core pornography for 15 minutes before taking the test. The result was that the same people would consider acts of violation and violence to get the gratification. That's how lust works. Homosexuality rides on lust - not love. Just like they say, "perpetual indulgence".
Halloween was designed to be a framework for self initiation into the Luciferian way of thinking. Once a minor toe hold of the occult in modern life why has Halloween imagery and obsession with lust and death become the mainstay of the entertainment industry? Notice that as Halloween mushroomed since 1966, so has obsession and 'revolution' of perverted sex, the occult, and admiration of serial killers and psychotics.
If Jewish religious schools caution parents that observance of Halloween is pagan and therefore destructive to the Jewish educational process, that also applies to Christian and Muslim parents. Halloween is religious indoctrination and formation into Druid paganism, witchcraft, and Satanism.
[1.] Purim isn't a Jewish Halloween http://www.myjewishlearning.com/holidays/Jewish_Holidays/Purim/Themes_and_Theology/Jews_in_Exile/Assimilation/Purim_and_Halloween.shtml
[2.] San Francisco Archbishop gave Holy Communion to Gay "Nuns "
N.W.O Agenda: Homosexual Indoctrination (Part 1)
From http://www.henrymakow.com/