The Earth Continues to Hemorrhage as Pedophilia Mounts
‘Evil’: Attendees at prominent pro-pedophilia conference horrified by sessions
“As a former law enforcement officer I’ve dealt with situations involving suicide, homicide and other violence. That said, I’ve never felt the level of spiritual oppression and evil that I felt in that room,”Liberty Counsel Action Vice President Matt Barber told LifeSiteNews.
“These mental health ‘professionals,’ and self-described pedophile and ‘gay’ activists were inexplicably able to cavalierly discuss, in an almost dismissive way, the idea of child rape,” Barber said. “They used flowery, euphemistic psychobabble to give quasi-scientific cover to a discussion about the worst kind of perversion.”
The organization B4U-ACT sponsored the event in Baltimore last week, which was attended by pro-pedophile activists and mental health professionals. The conference examined the ways in which “minor-attracted persons” could be involved in a revision of the American Psychological Association (APA) classification of pedophilia.
Conference panelists included Fred Berlin of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Renee Sorentino of Harvard Medical School, John Sadler of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and John Breslow of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Speakers addressed the around 50 individuals in attendance on themes ranging from the notion that pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized” by society to the idea that “children are not inherently unable to consent” to sex with an adult. Also discussed were arguments that an adult’s desire to have sex with children is “normative” and that the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) ignores the fact that pedophiles “have feelings of love and romance for children” in the same way adult heterosexuals and homosexuals have romantic feelings for one another.
In an interview with LifeSiteNews (LSN), Liberty University Visiting Professor of Law Judith Reisman, who attended the conference, said that “post the ‘landmark’ Lawrence v. Texas decision in 2003, paraphrasing Justice Antonin Scalia, everything goes.”
“I go into detail on this in my last book, ‘Sexual Sabotage,’” she said. “Following Alfred Kinsey ‘sexologists’ began to occupy our schools, so that educated professionals have largely been trained to be a form of sexual anarchists.”
“Although the stupidity of advocating harmless amoral sexuality overwhelms us daily, our arrogant ‘educated’ populations say morality has no place in our sexual lives,” Reisman said. “Just as AIDS is a natural outgrowth of amoral sexual education and media, so too is child sexual abuse. We are breeding a new human character and child sexual abuse is increasingly part of that character.”
“I, for one, have had enough,” Barber told LifeSiteNews. “These sexual anarchists, whatever their perverse stripe, need to leave our children alone and let kids be kids.”
“They know that to own the future, they must own the minds of our children,” he said. “Hence, groups like B4U-ACT, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, Planned Parenthood and the like, utilize academia, from pre-school to post-graduate, in order to brainwash and indoctrinate.”
As previously reported by LSN, B4U-ACT classifies pedophilia as simply another sexual orientation and decries the “stigma” attached to pedophilia. B4U-ACT science director Howard Kline has criticized the definition of pedophilia by the American Psychological Association, describing its treatment of “minor-attracted persons” as “inaccurate” and “misleading.”
Similar lobbying, then by homosexual activists, led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973 in the DSM. As a result of the DSM declassification, debate regarding homosexuality and the many documented harms associated with the homosexual lifestyle has been all but shut down in academic psychological circles.
‘Sex box’ for Swiss kindergarteners has genitalia toys: will teach sexuality is pleasurable
BASEL, August 25, 2011 ( – Kindergarten children in Basel, Switzerland will be presented this year with fabric models of human genitalia in a “sex box” to teach them that “contacting body parts can be pleasurable.”
The kit for teachers to give sex-education lessons to primary school children uses models and recommends having children massage each other or to rub themselves with warm sand bags, accompanied by soft music, according to The Local, a Swiss newspaper in English.
“Children should be encouraged to develop and experience their sexuality in a pleasurable way,” Daniel Schneider, a deputy kindergarten rector for Basel who helped develop the sex ed curriculum along with experts, had said earlier this year.
He added, “It’s important that they learn to say no if they don’t want to be touched in a certain area.”
Education officials who have reportedly been flooded with over 3000 complaints from outraged parents have agreed to change the program’s name, but will do nothing to stop the materials from being distributed in schools, according to The Local.
Christoph Eymann, Basel education minister and member of the liberal democrat party (LDP), told the paper SonntagsBlick, “It was no doubt stupid to call it a ‘sex box’ – we will change that.
“But we will stick to our goal: to get across to children that sexuality is something natural. Without forcing anything upon them or taking anything away from their parents.”Eymann said he understood that one line in the program, “touching can be enjoyed heartily,” could be misconstrued, but added, “It is not about ‘touch me, feel me.’
“We want to tell the children that there is contact that they may find pleasurable, but some that they should say ‘no’ to. Kids can unfortunately can become victims of sexual violence already at playschool age.”Children should ideally be taught about sex at home, Eymann said, but since children lived in an “oversexualised society” in which pornography can be reached by young children through the internet, education officials need to respond to the realities of the day.
“Some primary school children,” he said, “know the TV schedule until 2am. We would like to offer these children firm support, which is often not available in the family. The box is only an aid. I trust the teachers to approach the material with care.”
Eymann has opposed requests from parents to exempt their children from the lessons, saying the government needs to use the schools to have unrestricted access to children.
“Primary school may be the only big audience that our society has,” he said. “The shared values that it teaches are very important. I would definitely like to keep this. The explanatory lesson can be portrayed in a way that doesn’t offend.”Pro-family leaders in Europe have expressed their horror at the idea of presenting five year-old children with the program. Daniel Trappitsch of the Citizens for Citizens association called the idea a “catastrophic development.” “Sex education, sure, but it shouldn’t been done this early and it certainly shouldn’t be obligatory,” he said. His group said they would fight the proposal.