Pop Music as a Corrupting Force

(Left) Lady Gaga is honored by the Queen. The Illuminati uses the entertainment industry (TV, movies, music) to induct society into satanism.

Everywhere we go we see tiny white buds resting perfectly inside ears blocking out all sounds but pop music. Is this music uplifting or degrading?

I believe it is the Devil's forked tongue. Just consider the lyrics:  "Just dance, it'll be ok"i, "Smack ma bitch up"ii and "Kill that nigga"iii.

Lady Gaga repeats the word "Judas" 37 times in her blasphemous "I'm in love with Judas". Even the Queen is a Gaga fan, apparently. Gaga has 70% more Google results for her name than Jesus.
So far I have managed to avoid listening to this satanism and if it should be played near me I would observe Matthew 5:29. "If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell."

But how are satanic themes so widespread and prevalent in modern popular music? Simply put, those who create and manage the music are the high priests of Satan: the Illuminati. If you look at any musician who is selling big and trace their record label upwards you will find a division of Illuminati Inc.

Have you ever wondered why there is no crackdown on illegal music downloads, now thought to be over 800 tracks per teenager?iv Well, it is because the devil does not charge for his sermons as long as it is more effective!

The Satanists know that "It's not about the money...We don't need your money...We just wanna make the world dance. Forget about the Price Tag"v.

Have you ever wondered why "gangsta' rappers" are dueting with young women vi who admit to "selling their soul to the devil"?vii It is because there is no longer a divide between most music of different genres and tastes. The musicians are all owned by the same satanic cult and serve the same wretched master. They do as they are told or else (Michael Jackson et al).


Plato recognized that music could change character and be used to corrupt people. Aristotle too stated that "Some [music] makes men sad and grave, like the so-called Mixolydian, others enfeeble the mind, like the relaxed modes, another, again, produces a moderate and settled temper, which appears to be the peculiar effect of the Dorian; the Phrygian inspires enthusiasm....The same principles apply to rhythms; some have a character of rest, others of motion, and of these latter again, some have a more vulgar, others a nobler movement....music has a power of forming the character, and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young...."viii

However, Aristotle would surely be devastated to hear young girls singing "Don't be a little bitch with your chit chat just show me where your dick's at."ix Or a more subliminal and repeated ad nauseum "Put your hands in the air, like you just don't care"x which is perhaps an instruction to submission i.e. "Put your hands up".

The quality that is valued in popular music has shifted dramatically to being "catchy" rather than beautiful and stirring. This is all part of the satanic plan to ingrain their mind-set into people.  In the current generation, simplicity not complexity is valued. Instead of listening to an orchestra play a note they would rather hear gunshots between verses.

Now this is not to say that all music is bad or music is inherently evil. My point is that it is highly efficient at promoting an agenda or manipulating people. In fact, music and dancing seem intrinsic to human nature as it is present in all societies. African tribes sing and dance through the night.

However, there is a difference - they do it together as a group! They are not self-absorbed, sucking in mindless and harmful lyrics, seeking to subvert them from their natural God-given tendencies with satanic scripture. Instead they rejoice in kinship and God.

Now, it may be said that these "pop stars" have concerts where thousands of people come and "sing-a-long". Yet this too is a lie and a disgrace to music. For the songs lack heart, emotion and righteous meaning. They are sung by mindless drones who will sing whatever sick and twisted words are put into their head, scream approval when told that their favorite artist sold their soul to the devil xi and throw up Illuminati symbolism on command. xii,xiii

Compare these numb, swaying and pathetic "hero" worshipers to that of a musical Christian gathering. If you go to any number of churches on a Sunday you will see the true meaning of music. People are regularly brought to tears (including myself) not due to some hollow phrase but at the meaning and love that the lyrics stir up within oneself. This is the true root and purpose of music before it was subverted and the very nature of it which is the nature of all things; God.

He can clearly be found and experienced when someone takes in the meaning of,  "If you pass through raging waters in the sea, you shall not drown. If you walk amid the burning flames, you shall not be harmed. If you stand before the pow'r of hell and death is at your side, know that I am with you through it all."xiv

i Lady Gaga "Just Dance"
ii Prodigy "Smack ma Bitch up"
iii Mobb Deep "Kill that nigga'"
v Jessie Jay "Price tag"
vi Katy Perry and Snoop Dogg "California gurls"
viii Aristotle - "Politics" Book 8 Sec V
ix Kesha "Blah Blah Blah"

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