Will You Take The Mark?
"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:17)

It is very easy for for us now to say that there is no way that we are going to pledge our allegiance to the antichrist when the time vividly described in Revelations arrives. Well, we as Christians have already aligned ourselves so well into the very system that is going to ensure all this comes to pass.
It is my belief that this system will not appear suddenly but that it has indeed started being put in place in a subtle and gradual manner. Everything is going digital, being choreographed by an unseen hand behind the scenes, and it is only a matter of time before it all synchronizes in one cacophonous mess. We may not be able to discern when this will happen. We will, in most likelihood, take it to be the latest fad or must-have since it will be deceptively and beautifully packaged. There will be no preachers or websites or tracts to warn people about this since the devil will show his true colours then and anything that touches on our Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace will be banned.
It is my belief that this system will not appear suddenly but that it has indeed started being put in place in a subtle and gradual manner. Everything is going digital, being choreographed by an unseen hand behind the scenes, and it is only a matter of time before it all synchronizes in one cacophonous mess. We may not be able to discern when this will happen. We will, in most likelihood, take it to be the latest fad or must-have since it will be deceptively and beautifully packaged. There will be no preachers or websites or tracts to warn people about this since the devil will show his true colours then and anything that touches on our Lord Jesus Christ and His saving grace will be banned.
When that time comes, will you be willing to give up your well coiffed hair since all the salons where you get your perm done will require of you to present the mark in one form or another? Will you stand by and watch your children starve given that you will not, as a true believer, be allowed to buy food from the stores? What will you do when you or a loved one are gravely sick and can't get any service at the hospitals? Will you be willing to cut your ties to the creature comforts that have come to define our present lives? Will you be ready to die for our Lord Jesus Christ when faced with the option of forcefully being given the mark? Or will you, out of desperation or simple lack of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, just take the mark? Will you believe the wolves in sheep's clothing who will at that time be telling all and sundry that God is forgiving and will take us back in even after taking the mark, or its forms, despite the Bible being categorical on this?
I implore you, dear friend, to put your faith in Jesus Christ and build a lasting relationship with Him through which He will give you the strength to make it through the tough times ahead. I firmly believe that the end times are imminent and may very well happen during our life-times.