How The Occult Affects Your Home

An amulet

A Buddha statue
The video game, Dungeons and Dragons

One really scary movie
New age doctrine

An ouija board

Rock 'n roll

Harry Potter

 25The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto thee, lest thou be snared therin: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God.  26Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing. (Deuteronomy 7:25-26) 

16And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.  17And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.18And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. 19Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.  20So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. (Acts 19:13-20)

The believers in Ephesus saw demonic spirits talk and jump on people they knew. They must have known that the spirits’ behavior was caused by the occult because they went home and threw their occult artifacts away in verse 19.

If occult objects are left in a home long enough, they can potentially curse that home. All kinds of evil can occur because a person’s or family’s possession or use of the objects demonstrates their approval.

Any object that represents other gods, false religions, or occult activities motivated by demons gives those spirits a legal right to bring evil into the home. It changes the home’s environment or atmosphere. Relationships begin to rapidly disintegrate.  Children are often attacked with all types of strange illnesses.

Time to Spiritually Cleanse Our Homes

Do reminders of your past clutter your new life in Christ? Many Christians do not realize that their closets, attics, and basements are filled with harmful links to old sins.

Describe your home’s spiritual atmosphere.  Most Christians want their homes and lives to reflect Christ’s presence. However, in many cases, they do not.

Why not? Two factors contribute to a home’s atmosphere. One is the conduct of the family members.  Sinful attitudes and bad behavior will negatively impact the overall atmosphere of a home. However, we cannot blame the enemy for what we choose to do.  Instead, we should assume full responsibility for our sins and their effects on our mates and children.

By the same token, the enemy’s frequent or continuous presence in our homes will also contaminate the atmosphere.  We should neither be superstitious nor gullible.

Spiritual Pollution

Common symptoms of spiritual pollution in our homes may include:

  • Atmospheric heaviness that makes breathing difficult
  • Behavioral issues
  • Constant quarreling and fighting
  • Disturbed, agitated children
  • Frequent nightmares and bad dreams
  • Frequent, unexplainable sickness or bondage
  • Inability to sleep
  • Little or no peace
  • Seeing demons, ghosts, or spirits (children in particular experience this symptom)
  • Unexplainable, stinking smells

It’s Time to Go Through the Closets, Attics, or Basements: A Practical Checklist

Many Christians do not realize that occult paraphernalia, false gods, and idol worship objects are lurking in their closets, attics, and basements, even on their coffee tables and walls. Some of these items include:

  • Amulets, fetishes, or good luck charms
  • Art with evil symbols such as snakes and dragons
  • Astrology and horoscope books or objects
  • Buddhist, Hindu, or other eastern religion objects
  • Games or video games with satanic and witchcraft references and images such as Masters of the Universe or Dungeons and Dragons
  • Items dealing with Freemasonry, Eastern Star, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Unity Church, and other cults and secret societies
  • Movies with extreme violence or gore or movies with occult or supernatural messages
  • New Age, Satanist, or witchcraft books
  • Ouija boards (also known as witch’s boards)
  • Some comic books, hard rock or rap music, rock posters, and other paraphernalia that depicts evil, violent behavior, or witchcraft
  • Some Southwest Indian art, especially worship objects such as the thunderbird

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