LGBTQ Trash Culture

Proverb 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Satan is the god of this evil world and is behind feminism, which is an agenda of the Communists. A web search will show numerous other excellent works by Dr. Griffin (and others) exposing the plot by Communists to morally corrupt and destroy our nation. The evils of Communist feminism has led women into debauchery and insanity. Satan has used feminism to steal women's marriages, kill their babies and destroy their homes (John 10:10).
Terry Wakonyo Ng'endo and her wife/husband
The homos are out of the closet and they want your children. They're not nice people! They want to see Christians arrested and locked up for speaking the truth from the Bible. 
Please understand that I don't condemn the following LGBTQ couple, but this is where the sin of feminism leads my friend... freak lesbianism! Satan turns people into freaks! Romans 1:24, “Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.” Homosexuality begins with an unthankful heart toward God (Romans 1:21). You can see on their faces that something is bothering them. In the last statement in the video, Stanley says she has dreamed about being legally recognized as a gay family since she was “a little baby dyke.” 
Feminism indoctrinates teens and young women to resent, despise and rebel against masculine authority in the home, marriage, church and even reject a masculine God and an authoritative Bible. Satan is a beautiful liar! Feminism falsely promises women's liberation, happiness and fulfillment through rebellion, divorce, shacking-up, abortion and a career; but it's all a big pack of lies. It's unbelievable how easy it is to get a group of people to do what you want them to do.
PSYCHOSIS: “A mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted.”
Welcome to Kenya! When we invited the Devil in, we have become psychotic as a nation. Kenyans have lost touch with reality—supporting criminal warmongers and the treasonous theft of our nation, begging for more state control, more environmental regulations, more insanity!
Look what Satan does to people. To see a woman who is masculine, rugged, horribly obese, muscular, nose pierced like a dinner pig, tough, dressed in men's clothes, bragging about being a dyke (masculine lesbian) is shameful. All traits of femininity are gone. My heart goes out to such people, for Christ died for them as much as anyone else. I feel sadness when I see people ensnared by the Devil. I view everyone, no matter who it is, as the object of God's unconditional love Every individual is a person whom Jesus Christ died for.
Jesus warned the Apostle Peter that Satan desired to sift him as wheat (see picture of wheat sifters to left). Luke 22:31, “And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” Satan will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let him.
Our only escape is through the promises of God, beginning with the promise of eternal life which is by faith in Jesus Christ (Titus 1:2).
2nd Peter 1:4, “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

Satan's Attack Against Families Today

The evil powers behind the moral decay of Kenya are doing so to destroy families. The future Police State wants parents to be mere incubators, not a real family. The New World Order wants to brainwash children, and a strong family hinders that from happening.  There are hidden powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12), which hide behind puppet politicians whose goal is to totally destroy the world, no matter what the cost to the citizens of the world. It is all so evil.
Local police have been militarily trained to be thugs, shoot the family pet, be intolerant, humiliate your family, abuse you, and most of all... GET YOU INTO THE SYSTEM. Once you're in the system, your family is toast. Why do you think cellphones are being shoved down everyone's throats? We're becoming a spy society! Turn your neighbor in! We are now being oppressed by a private-corporate world government! 
The evil Luciferian-worshipping criminals who are behind the demise of Kenya's sovereignty and freedom are using sensual music and television as their primary weapons to INDOCTRINATE our youth with SEX, SEX, SEX!!! The average teenage girl in Kenya has been trained via Walt Disney and she-devils like Katy Perry to become little whores. That's EXACTLY what Hudson's song, TEENAGE DREAM is all about, i.e., being a teenage sex object.
Katy Perry's wickedness has paid off in this temporal world of sin. She bought a penthouse apartment in New York City for $2,700,000!!! You can have all this world's sinful fame and fortune that Satan has to offer (Matthew 4:9). No thanks, just give me Jesus Christ (John 1:12; 3:16; 16:33). “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil” (Psalm 97:10).
HELLivision... Bringing Sodom into Your Home!
Television is getting so sick that homosexuality isn't enough anymore. Now they portray all manner of moral depravity, voyeurism, incest, vulgar language, promiscuity, suggestiveness... you name it! I usually steer away from the term “queer,” because it is considered derogatory against gays, but they love the word and use it continually to describe themselves (hence the 'Q' in LGBTQ). May I say, God is not queer, nor does He make anybody queer!

 There is a lot of rotten sleaze that they're putting on television as entertainment these days, worse than the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah!!! How much more of this stubborn rebellion and blatant love for wickedness is God going to tolerate? 

People's minds are in the gutter these days what with sick television shows, movies, music videos, magazines and the internet. 
Of course, the creeps who make this filth for TV always have the audience laughing in the background. Prerecorded laughing is a psychological tool as old as Hollywood. No matter how sleazy, distasteful or sinful the programming, people will laugh if they hear other people laughing.
Romans 1:28-29 and 32, “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness... Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
When women refuse to fulfil God's role for them as mothers, homemakers and loyal wives, only disaster can result! Women today have been taught by television, movies, music, books and magazines to be INTOLERANT of masculine authority (which is naturally inherent to every real man). Consequently, many feminist and lesbian-prone women feel more comfortable around sissies, effeminate men and homosexuals. This describes Kenyan society today. 

Where Do Sodom's Celebrities Spend Their Filthy Lucre?
West Hollywood has already passed into law an ordinance that bans the sale of clothes made with animal fur as of 2013. That's insane and unbiblical. God gave us animals for food and clothing. God gave us animals, to have dominion over them; not dress them in fine clothing, sit them at our dining table and talk to them like people. Believe it or not, many Californians actually pay for their animals to get manicures, rub-down massages and the works. While people beg and search through garbage cans to survive, the pets of the elite get a manicure weekly and T-bone steak daily. The pets of the elite eat and have much better healthcare than most Americans. Celebrities mostly live in gated private communities with a world all to their own, living in multi-million-dollar mansions, spending money on things you couldn't imagine.
P. Diddy splurged on a gigantic birthday party, inviting 1200 people including Martha Stewart and Penny Marshall. The party was held at Cipriani restaurant in New York City in 1998. The party was estimated to cost $500,000. Liza Minnelli reportedly spent $4 million on her 2002 wedding to music producer David Gest. Donald Trump has a taste for fine dining. He has a 24-hour on-call chef and a $365,000 mobile champagne cooler. Singer Mariah Carey owns a penthouse worth $9 million, which reportedly contains 500 pairs of high heels. Kate Hudson reportedly owns a pair of $30,000 pajamas. Singer Christina Aguilera owns a $5 million Hollywood Hills home with a 25-foot waterfall and a plasma-screen TV she built into the fireplace. Paris Hilton was 13-years-old when she got her first credit card. On her 21st birthday, she celebrated in five different locations, having $75,000+ parties in Tokyo, London, New York, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. 
Actor Nicolas Cage has purchased more than a dozen homes, including a castle in England, an 11th-century estate in Germany, and two entire Bahamian islands! Wow, why does a person need two islands? I can see buying one, but two? A collection of pets one friend describes as “basically a zoo,” including two albino king cobras; he keeps anti-venom nearby. Nicolas Cage also owns a Dinosaur skull which he paid $276,000 for.
18,000 kids die every day from starvation... "Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by?" (Lamentations 1:12)

A survey published by has brought to light the buying and spending habits of top celebrities in the United States. The survey was conducted by wealth-research firm, Prince & Associates, of Redding, Connecticut, which  polled 92 business managers representing 288 actors and musicians by asking them about their clients’ shopping plans for the holiday season. It was found that pop star Britney Spears spends an average of $16,000 a month on clothes alone. She spends about $4,758 on eating out, $10,250 on utility bills and $17,000 on automotive and other transportation costs. Britney spends an average of $102,000 a month on “entertainment, gifts, and vacation,” according to court filings in her child custody battle.
Americans have made Britney Spears filthy rich, millions of young girls buying her works of darkness. Here's a quote from Britney Spears' filthy song, SODA POP...
" . . . we might start riding to the music tonight. . . a WICKED TIME to the end . . . we'll flex tonight until they break down the door . . . It's cool Britney when we get down on the floor. . . and we go on and on until the break of dawn"
No wonder our mentally-ill society has to give out condoms to all the public school kids! So your teen's in an abortion clinic from listening to this kind of sicko music, which has made Miss Spears filthy rich.
No one cares anymore. Most people are woefully ignorant of even modern history over the past half-century. As hard as it is to grasp the truth that Communists, Globalists, Luciferians, Freemasons and the Wall Street Banking Cartel are behind the deliberate economic, moral, educational and religious subversion (to corrupt from within) of the world as a whole, it is nonetheless 100% true!!! Research and you'll learn that the top executives and leaders of every subversive corporation, organization, agency, group and movement in America is somehow connected with The Council On Foreign Relations (the unofficial headquarters of the New World Order).

You cannot know the future without studying the past. History always repeats itself, because mankind is predictably unpredictable. By studying history, you are studying HIS-STORY (i.e., God's story, seeing how God has dealt with the nations throughout the millenniums).
Here's a recent documentary that I watched which really opened my eyes to just how evil the United Nations truly is, which by the way was founded by The Council On Foreign Relations after World War 2...
There's so much to research and thousands of directions to start. I'm helping you out a bit by getting right to the heart of the matter. G. Edward Griffin gets to the point in his documentaries, just as does Evangelist Texe Marrs and Radio Host and documentarian, Alex Jones.
"And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not." —John 8:45

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