The Force Behind The New Age Movement

New Age is an old adage. Like medieval metaphysicians and ancient Eastern mystics, the cult of New Age hails man and his paramount powers as center of the spiritual universe. For centuries, people have endeavoured to consecrate themselves and evoke the mysteries of spirituality.
New Agers believe a "Copernican threshold" must be crossed to uncover the mystery of mankind's relationship to universal spiritual truth. Only then will the present confrontational system of differing faiths be replaced with a worldwide oneness of soul and spirit.

Discovering this spiritual symbiosis is the globalistic goal of all New Age religious pilgrimages. Whereas past religions looked outward to the sun, moon, stars, and cosmic forces, those in the New Age who aspire to know hidden truths journey inward to find collective connection with the One Cause.

The New Age search is really a very old examination of occultism's principles and practices. Reincarnation, astrology, astral projection, soul travel, shamanism, goddess worship, visualization and affirmations of inner deity are not new modes of spirituality. They are ancient ways of claiming to reveal the link between man and God. The term New Age represents this consciousness, as well as the astrological prediction of the end-of-the-century arrival of an era called Aquarian Age.

New Age cultists and Mystics seek a divine being within themselves and strive to be an integral, conscious element of the universe. God becomes the self and the self becomes God. New Agers have their own buzzword known as it-autarchy. Basically, it asserts government by self. Hence, the political agenda of the New Age movement ranges from abortion rights to gay rights, even animal rights. For some, it includes polygamous privileges, prostitution, gambling, and for the most extreme drugs.

The New Age rage is intended to become a new world order in which all become one. Remember, all is one, one is God, you are one, and you are......that's right, God. And since the God in you makes all the decisions, then whatever you decide is right. And if someone disagrees? Well, there is the rub.

The Christian world view is quite different. God's "shalt not" is not an obvious avoidance of each circumstance's merit, but rather divine perspective that knows the source of ultimate good. Disobedience to God always brings heartache and dysfunction, not because God has arbitrarily ruled so, but because His character is the stabilizing force of the universe.

Thus, divine law is an extension of divine character. The Ten Commandments weren't meant to be the Ten Suggestions. They represent truth that is fundamental to the perpetuity of human good, just as the laws of thermodynamics are crucial to the continuance of the material universe.

One must wonder what's next on the New Age agenda. When they have exorcised all moral law from society's cognizance, will they next, deny gravity its binding role in the universe? Any solution to the human condition that ignores the heart's depravity and God's transcendent wisdom will not usher in the New Age. It can only perpetrate an old lie. Esoteric half-truths do not lead to God. They are manifestations of  "the secret power of lawlessness" spoken of in 2nd Thessalonians 2:7.

The marvelous insights and fascinating knowledge New Agers acquire are the "signs and lying wonders" of Satan and his Antichrist. Symbols of the New Age are the rainbow, globe, lotus flower, mandala (right) and dove.

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